UNITED STATES—A challenge has been announced: A call to debate between the Chinese Dissident, AiWeiWei and the British Dissident, Jane Gang. This debate will cover issues that both Art Dissidents can discuss with passion, vibrancy and vision.

‘A Tortured Artist files Lawsuit at Court of Human Rights, exposes Gov UK corruption, causes a tech stock crash while under white collar & mafia threat’.

Sounds like a cornball logline for a Hollywood blockbuster?  This is streaming Live for Artist, Writer, Filmmaker & now British Dissident Jane Gang. Mostly at work under the radar we caught up with her in England: Tell us, JG what’s driven YOU to switch from Non-Fiction to Live Expose via Social Media?

“When the stakes rose as The Long Con rippled outwards from a Family Matter. I’ll explain:

In early Dec 2015 my 88yr old mother showed me papers dating back to 2002 which suggested my siblings were out to Steal the Family Silver; Our parents Last Wishes, arguably: The Ultimate Betrayal. At that point the dangerous game of who triumphs & who takes the fall began. Good overcomes Bad? One thing for sure, my own, huge personal psychological puzzle shifted to fall into place. The question arose, what has happened to the once Great Britain my parents knew? My father, Prof P. M. Higgins OBE was a remarkable man. He earned his OBE with dignity, integrity, inspirational achievements and honesty. He helped put the NHS in place in the 60s along with many other outstanding medical advances in his day. My mother, also a high achiever in work ethic as well as immeasurably motivated and constant in energy and drive. A mother of four, wife, fantastic cook, hostess of many private functions as well as a full time professional: Setting up and Directing the NHS’s only nursing agency for 20 years, opening 20 branches throughout the British Isles. Most felt exhausted just watching her swirl around multitasking all day every day.

Boy in a tree.
Boy in a tree.

And now under the guise of creepy White Collar tactics the sons my parents were so proud of and who they sacrificed so much of their own life to provide an excellent education for, these three darlings are expressing the worst elements of Thatcherism. Sent to a top Public school in Britain, Ampleforth in the 1970s these boys became what my parents thought they wanted. Up till Dec 2015 I didn’t have a bad word to say about them either but the kick to the gut after reading those letters where my brothers began to con my parents in 2002 onwards reminded me of the pain I anaesthetized through addiction when I was a teenager. It was hardly surprising I joined my peers, Boy George, Will Self, Edward St Aubyn, Tatum O’Neal and many others in self abuse to deal with that type of familial core pain. Like them, I too was fortunate to come through that period.

Here’s a typical email exchange from June 6th with eldest brother Dr Nicholas Higgins, Consultant Radiologist at Addensbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge


The police have also been in contact with me after your interview with them and told me that they felt there was insufficient evidence to charge you with theft at this stage.  Nevertheless, you will remember that at the Best Interests meeting with Social Services earlier this year the allegations of emotional and financial abuse by you against mother were substantiated’.


The police stated that the case is CLOSED. Nothing to do with: ‘at this stage’. Please stop bending the truth in what appears to be an intentionally malicious and slightly threatening thread of emails intensifying your lies and slander about me. You have no right to accuse me of such an Allegation as I emailed you about that £750 in Feb and explained it on the private secretary’s notes, March 1st: Clarity & Transparency. In fact, you could be seen as Wasting Police Time. I will also state, and others are in agreement, that Ian Cruickshank’s authorization of having written in the minutes that ‘financial abuse is substantiated’ is actually unlawful and illegal as Ian Cruickshank does not have the legal authority to have such a thing written in the minutes six weeks BEFORE I am requested to attend Bromley Police Station, voluntarily to answer the ALLEGATION of same amount for same reason. Have you forgotten that in this country one is innocent until proven guilty?’

Hacked & reconstructed DM message
Hacked & reconstructed DM message

Yes, my so called ‘upstanding, righteous’ brothers and their doctor/ solicitor wives set out to frame me instead of making amends privately within our family…and what would have happened to my 7yr old son had I not been vigilant with my own legal paper trail presented to the Police Officer along with the taped interview to prove my innocence? The legal aid solicitor for the day said my statement was ‘impressive.’ I’m on fire. But where would Boulevard have had to go, on his own, if I hadn’t been prepared for that? I’d already frozen my bank accounts after hearing that Dr N. Higgins had filed a police report in Cambridge accusing me of stealing from our mother.

This Light shining on the darkness watched the roaches scatter as they continued to choose the negative path, further cementing their concrete boots and exposing others. Quite the scandal, as Bromley Social Services incriminate themselves, not once, twice but beyond any backtrack. Bromley, once home of many creative, inventive minds: David Bowie, H.G.Wells, Aleister Crowley etc… However, the gap remains wide & perilous between Suits & Creatives / Artists & Stiffs.

On a personal level I was facing group hatred brewing 13 plus years towards my Being by my pompous, self-important brothers & their wives, all suffering from a psychopathic superiority complex. They were either deliberately and within the mentality of manipulating white- collar manners, continuing to lie to my face or these intelligent professionals have never grown past an early 80s mindset, before the Tsunami of Self-Help books & the plethora of affirmations, followed by the Meme take-over of most printed matter.  The psychic negative drain has been exhausting over the years, even when I lived thousands of miles away.

Logline: ‘Three greedy grown men shoot for the Forbes list by defrauding their ol’mum.’ My brother David Higgins, a founder of Harvey Nash, early 80s, was once on the Forbes 500 List. I was proud of his achievements. I didn’t realize how ruthless he was until faced with the brunt of his greed myself after he had found his accomplice, a conniving wife of not yet 2 years. Why do these two use my mother’s residential address for their businesses? A rhetorical question, my brother David is now a property developer.

Where does this end? I’ve now accumulated a stack of emails in direct communication with Chislehurst’s Local MP, Bob Neill (also a Barrister & Chairman of the Select Committee) & Alan Eccles CBE, Chief Public Guardian, a British government department with the royal stamp of approval. Mum & I requested that Office of Public Guardian investigate my two eldest brothers in Jan as they refused to answer our certified letters concerning the House Trusts. Unfortunately on 8th June the OPG gave my brothers blessing to continue abusing my mother, financially & in mental wellbeing as her POAs despite concrete evidence.

Already fearing for our lives (After the SA4 Social Services meeting, mid March I left my mother’s house to protect my son & myself) and up against the establishment once again it was then I took to social media to expose this corruption and abuse of power. Would you trust doctors who coldly, calculatedly set out to destroy others over Time?  What right do these Health Care professionals have to deliberately, systematically harm others, including a 7 yr old? This is my son’s blueprint years. This is their nephew.  This is our mother. Is this discrimination against a professional Artist? Is this a basic human rights issue?

Christmas 2015, three generations
Christmas 2015, three generations

The public needs to know that there are doctors out there who have zero empathy or compassion. Would you leave your child in the ‘care of’ Doctor Hilary Glazier, Anaesthetist at famous Great Ormond St Children’s Hospital if you knew that she colluded willingly, over a period of time in abusing her mother-in-law, her sister-in-law & her nephew?

Folks, it is not money that ‘does this to people’ this ability to harm is their nature. There are plenty of people who have very little who wouldn’t harm others whatever circumstance. Would you trust a doctor who inherently has the nature to harm others?  It takes a certain mindset, devoid of any conscience to continue to abuse not just one person their mother, for one gain but three people. My two brothers show that they are completely intent on continuing to abuse their powers as POA. They have my mum paying approx £5,000 a MONTH on care and I saw her out on the dangerous sidewalk some days ago she was looking for us. This is negligence. A vulnerable adult left on her own 9am-7pm & I have been threatened to stay away.

Why was Social Services so willing, confident in perpetuating the Lies, Slander and False Accusations that my brothers have been actively engaged in against myself? What EXACTLY could Bromley Council have invested with my brothers that this Dept would behave so recklessly, so unlawfully?  In a court of law the March reports from Social Services would be analyzed and viewed as suspicious. The only thing these two reports prove is how they mirror another scheme, a microcosm of the longer scheme set in motion in 2002, ‘the possible’ defrauding of my parents Estate: In a calculated manipulation of the truth, systematically carried out in complete disregard of other people’s physical or emotional welfare.

There are stringent laws in this country against using Fear tactics to control children in the class room, one would assume that similar laws would also extend to local government Social Services. I was treated with more respect as a person with Rights when I went voluntarily to answer the Allegation of Theft of £750 in Bromley Police Station.

(Quite a difference in the barometer of financial abuse: £750 in total & £5,000 a month).

Meanwhile I am not only under low cloud but also the dark presence of the next insidious white-collar attack tactic…what could that be? Will my brothers try to have me killed? Will they try to frame me with a jail sentence again? Will I be able to stay one step ahead?  Who else is involved? Will I be able to protect my son? Will I even be able to help my mum?

This situation is exasperated by the fact that one would not expect such despicable and abusive behavior by people whose work, work ethic and general moral parameter has the public relying on their Trust, Judgment and Honesty: Doctors, LPAs, Senior Social Supervisors. This type of abuse of power needs exposure, the public needs to know and take care that they do not find themselves put in the position where someone can ruin, cripple, damage or destroy their lives or their children’s due to greed, a sense of superiority and acts of tyranny.

This is a hate crime against an Artist in a country where it’s illegal for a teacher to apply sunscreen on a child in school.

Via The Law Society I found the perfect law firm Hodge Jones & Allen, SO right on! They are perfect for this Case: White Collar Crime, Crimes against the Government, Disputes, Human Rights, Civil Liberties, they do Legal Aid and No Win No Pay. So WHY do they refuse? Is it because some judges and MPs may be in the pockets? I’ve just been told that if I want to pay them they will take it on, but not as Legal aid or No win No Fee. The Irony of my situation is overwhelming, even for Britain.

‘If something BAD happens to myself or Boulevard know this, it is NO accident.’

Written By Jane Gang