HOLLYWOOD—I have to say, the NBC soap “Days of Our Lives” has literally drawn me back in, with a few surprises that has ignited a narrative that is so juicy you cannot turn your eyes away. For those not in the know, Batty Ben escaped the psych ward, crashed Chad, Abby, Sonny and Paul’s double wedding and revealed that Will was alive. That revelation led to utter chaos, with Abby and Chad tying the knot, and Sonny calling off the wedding because he needs certainty on rather Will is alive or dead.

Since that revelation, Sami has returned to Salem on a warpath to get answers leading her to come face-to-face with Dr. Rolf, yes that Dr. Rolf, who was a mastermind that committed aplenty of dastardly deeds for the great Stefano DiMera. As a result, Rolf confessed that he did bring Will back from the dead, but later ‘killed’ himself. Trust me on “Days of Our Lives” this is the one soap where you never know if someone is truly dead or not.

Rolf’s admission has led Sami, Marlena, John, Paul and Sonny to take a trip to Memphis where they found themselves coming face-to-face with Susan! Yup, that crazy Susan portrayed by the great Eileen Davidson is back on “Days” people. Davidson is in the midst of a hot button storyline on “The Young and the Restless” and with another hot button story, it’s no question why she won’t be returning to the “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” for season 8.

I mean the gang found themselves in the clutches of the Memphis Police Department for breaking into that Elvis impersonator’s home, but as we all know he was secretly stashing someone at the home. Sami broke back into that place and was the first to lay eyes on kooky Susan people, who seemed shocked to see the familiar face from the past.

However, I am stunned by this revelation. Just what does Susan know about Will’s rebirth from the dead and if he is indeed alive, why hasn’t he made his way back to Salem America? I’m certain John will get down to things, but this has me thinking that if Will is alive thanks to Dr. Rolf, it is a strong possibility that Stefano may have ensured that his daughter Kristin DiMera and his son E.J. DiMera were brought back from the dead as well. I mentioned this in my previous column that “Days of Our Lives” has lacked a great villain since the demise of Stefano, so we need someone to spark a bit of madness.

I mean the Bonnie, Hattie and Sheila madness has finally ended, at least for the time being and I couldn’t be happier. I thought that storyline was just silly and absurd to say the least, but the good thing is that Adrienne has finally been released from behind bars and has reunited with her family including Justin and Sonny. While Adrienne is happy to be reunited with family, bad blood has boiled over between Brady and Eric. The two brothers have been dueling over Nicole, which resulted in a fist fight. Yes, Nicole has bid adieu to Salem for now with Holly in tow after being blackmailed by Brady.

Yeah, Brady has crossed over to the dark side a bit, and it does not help to have his grandfather Victor egging him on. I swear Victor Kiriakis has to be one of the crankiest older guys that I have seen on TV. Even during his darkest of times, Victor still seems to relish in darkness. I mean I’m certain Victor knows that Nicole was responsible for his brother Deimos’ demise, but he hated his brother, so would he turn Nicole in to honor his brother? Now that I think about it, of course he would, this is the great Victor Kiriakis people! The interesting dynamic with the Brady and Eric feud is that it might reignite the flames with Eric and Jennifer people! Lucas has continued to spiral out of control thanks to his drinking, and I think the news of Will being alive is the only thing that can take him out of this depression.

However, the caveat of the week is the revelation that we finally got to see Will in the flesh, and the person who discovered his identity was not Sonny or Sami, but Paul. Hmm, that is not the news Paul wanted because it jeopardizes his relationship with Sonny people. So could we see Paul cross over to the dark side to ensure he gets what he wants in the long run?