WASHINGTON D.C. —This week was relatively quiet on the political front. Yes, there are any number of scandals and partisan bickering going on in our nation’s capitol. However, John Edwards stayed in the news. The former senator and presidential candidate’s former mistress, Rielle Hunter, was featured in GQ magazine, then abruptly called her own photographs repulsive. Stars and public figures are constantly being photographed and many times photographers can bait their subjects into posing for photographs you later wonder what you could have been thinking; however, the biggest shocker in this story was the actual interview. Ms. Hunter claimed she’d always love John Edwards and most shockingly, that he never lied to her.

What is it about women and men who get involved with politicians that continue to support and advocate for them to the bitter end? Edwards is being investigated by a Grand Jury involving questions about how he paid his former mistress and whether any campaign funds were used. If the finding of fact turns out he did, the main question would be, why would anyone so wealthy break the law in order to make payments to their mistress and love child? The answer if true, is that John Edwards as well as most powerful politicians worldwide feel immune from real scrutiny and they generally have the clout to halt investigations.

You’d think after former President Bill Clinton was dragged through the questioning by a Grand Jury led by prosecutor Kenneth Starr that other politicians would see that even the mightiest and most powerful men in the world can be brought down to answer questions of impropriety. John Edwards reportedly made a sex tape with his then mistress, Hunter, who has since gone to court to fight for the return of the tape. The tape would have been made not only while his wife Elizabeth was fighting stage four breast cancer, but also while the candidate was still running for the highest office in the land.

What is it about these powerful political leaders that makes them believe the public will not find out about their misdeeds or alleged misdeeds? Mr. Edwards has not been indicted or convicted for any of the alleged crimes he’s been accused of; however, if Ms. Hunter was truly an ally of the man she says she will love for the rest of her life, it would have been best for her to have forgone the GQ layout and stayed quietly in the background and hope that Americans would forget about her and Edwards, so that their daughter would have a chance at some privacy. All in all, I have come to the conclusion that not only are the men and women in politics seeking the spotlight, but so are the women and men who get involved with them illicitly, while proclaiming their desire for privacy.

Please pray for our troops in harms way in Afghanistan and Iraq who are fighting the terrorists and those who wish to do us harm. Please remember to support the USO and Soldier’s Angels, which are two non profit organizations that support our men and women in arms.