LOS ANGELES—Serena Williams has reportedly been to the hospital repeatedly over the last several weeks due to a serious lung condition.  Doctors uncovered a blood clot in one of Williams’s lungs. This condition is often referred to as a pulmonary embolism.

Nicole Chabot, Williams’s spokeswoman, confirmed that this is a severe health condition, requiring continued medical observation.  The problem apparently began after Williams had foot surgery in New York.  On her return trip to Los Angeles, Williams noticed a sharp pain in her chest, and sudden shortness of breath.  These are warning signs of pulmonary embolism.  Apparently, the plane flight triggered the initial symptoms since her foot was prevented from receiving proper circulation.

The athlete’s doctor recommended a period of rest and recovery before travel, a recommendation Williams disregarded.  The resulting lack of circulation, typical of travel, caused a blood clot. Twenty percent of the population has a higher genetic propensity towards blood clots, according to medical experts.  Women who use oral contraceptives are also at risk.

Chabot assured fans that everything was under control.  “She’s doing okay and she’s in good spirits,” said Chabot in a statement.  At this point it is unclear the extent to which Williams is affected by recent revelations.