Tag: judy carley

Speak Easy: Bullying Begins At Home

UNITED STATES—People are bullied at work, in school, and many other places. We know why they bully and even the kinds of characteristics prominent...

Speak Easy: My PTSD Habits

UNITED STATES—PTSD is the 4th most diagnosed psychiatric disorder in America. Last week I wrote about the evolution of the term PTSD and now...

Reality For Nerds: Monster Searching!

UNITED STATES—I will not lie: I am using “if you have nothing nice to say don't say it” bias while writing this today because...

Speak Easy: Sexual Abuse

UNITED STATES—History is littered with drawings, photos and historical accounts of it and today I am going to talk about something NOBODY wants to...

ANTI-Mentoring = Refusing To Parent!

UNITED STATES—"A TORN JACKET IS SOON MENDED, BUT HARD WORDS BRUISE THE HEART OF THE CHILD," Longfellow.  A century ago socioeconomic factors were blamed, but...

Do As I Say Not As I DID

UNITED STATES—There is a BIG difference between doing something and saying something. Right? DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO may be commonly said,...

Speak Easy: Man-Hating Women

UNITED STATES—I am tickled pink to be shouting out across the nation from New York, with an opportunity to find an audience of people...
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