Tag: Theaters

Is The Movie Theater Dying?

HOLLYWOOD—There is something that has had me thinking the past year or so: what has happened to the movie going experience? Look, I know...

Quiet At The Movies!

UNITED STATES—There is nothing that annoys me more than anything than when people talk during a movie. I don’t know if it’s the movie...

Movies Need To Be In Theaters

HOLLYWOOD—I really don’t know how to best say this beyond I have been so angry that theaters have been shuttered since March. I am...

AMC Theaters Requiring Masks As They Reopen

UNITED STATES一AMC theaters are reopening next month and announced this Friday, June 19 that all viewers are required to wear masks while in the...

Black Stars More Mouth Than Action

HELLO AMERICA!—It pains me tremendously, but the truth must be told, that our so-called Black stars of film and stage today who are touted...

How To Enjoy Movie Theaters On A Budget

LOS ANGELES—Going to a movie theater can be a fun and exciting way to enjoy yourself. I personally love movies and try to go...
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