WEST HOLLYWOOD—The housing development at 8899 Beverly Blvd. in
West Hollywood has proposed a separation between the rich and poor tenants.


The associates of Beverly Boulevard suggested denying the low-income tenants access to the pool, in addition to creating a separate entrance to the building for the rich.

Similar situations have arisen in cities like London and New York City.  A development on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York recently approved separate entrances for splendor buildings of the city.

The West Hollywood Commission voted against the separation of the low and high income tenants.

On behalf of Paul Arevalo, West Hollywood’s City Manager, Joshua Schare informed Canyon News, “Currently, the proposed project has been reviewed by the City’s Planning Commission — the meeting occurred on Thursday, August 7. Next, it will move to City Council. Since this project has not yet been considered by the City Council, the City Manager does not have a comment at this time.”