HOLLYWOOD—Welcome to “Big Brother,” and this season is already filled with drama even though we are only in the second week! The one thing I can’t seem to get over this season is how much everyone is running their mouth.
On Sunday, we were reminded that Jozea and Paulie are the nominees put up by Nicole, with Paulie being a pawn to get Jozea out of the house. Jozea tells Da’Vonne, who is in Nicole’s alliance, how Nicole is his target.
When Nicole confronts him, he tells her she is not his target. Nicole manages to do some damage control by telling Jozea her logic for nominations was to put up a strong player from each team.
This week’s first twist revealed is the BB Roadkill competition. In this competition, the BB RV is parked in the backyard and everyone gets to compete individually. The challenge is to strip down to your bathing suit while pressing three separate buttons. A timer is keeping track of how long each competitor takes, but if the competitor lets go of one button the timer speeds up 30 times, if two buttons are let go it speeds up 60 times, and if all three buttons are let go the timer speeds up 120 times.
Once the competitor is down to their bathing suit they press a buzzer to stop the timer. The advantage of this competition is the winner is kept a secret and the winner gets to anonymously put a third person up for nomination.
The winner of this new weekly competition was Frank! Frank decides to share this secret with only a couple members of the new alliance he is a part of that was formed in Sunday’s episode: the 8-Pack. The 8-Pack consists of all the veterans: Frank, Nicole, James and Da’Vonne, along with four of the newbies: Michelle, Corey, Zakiyah, and Tiffany.
Another alliance formed composed of Natalie, Bronte and Bridgette called the Spy Girls. Unfortunately for them, they decided to discuss this within a “sleeping” Tiffany’s earshot. Why aren’t any of the newbies being cautious of what they say and where they say it!
Frank, as the BB Roadkill winner, anonymously nominates Paul, which is another hit to the newbies. This show did have a lighter note, though, with Paulie, Michelle, Frank and Natalie having to wear pixilated costumes for the week for ending up in Mystery Land in the previous competition.
On Wednesday, we had the Power of Veto competition to look forward to, but of course some drama had to happen first. Jozea starts planning to get Paulie out and believes Michelle is the one who won BB Roadkill. Bridgette lands on Paul’s radar for getting close with Paulie.
Picking the competitors for the POV competition has changed a little this season with there being a third nominee. Now the HOH and all nominees are eligible to play in the POV and the HOH gets to pick 2 other name chips from the box. If the HOH picks their own name or one of the nominee’s names, that person gets to pick someone to play in the POV.
Nicole first picks Da’Vonne’s name, good for her, and she picks her own name, doubly good for her! She decides to pick Corey as a competitor making the six competitors for the POV: Nicole, Jozea, Paulie, Da’Vonne, Paul and Corey.
The POV competition is dog-themed with the six competitors dressed up like dogs. This competition is based on balance and speed as the competitors have to spin 15 times to start a 45 second timer and in between each spin they have to try to balance and stack all their doggie treats. Paul wins the competition leaving the other competitors in his dust and the choice for whom to use the POV on is obvious.
The rest of the episode is one big drama-fest. Jozea haphazardly calls a house-meeting to discuss getting Paulie out. His method and surety that everyone is on his side brings back a déjà vu moment for me of Devin from “Big Brother 16.” Jozea doesn’t even realize James is in the room, even though he is not part of the newbie alliance.
Bridgette attempts to infiltrate the HOH room while the meeting goes on, not knowing that other members of the 8-Pack are at Jozea’s meeting. Now the 8-Pack knows Bridgette is a spy. At the end, Paul uses the veto on himself, and since he was the BB roadkill nomination, Frank gets to anonymously nominate Bridgette.
Eviction time! I am pretty sure we all know who is going home, but first we see yet another alliance form in the house: Fatal Five. Fatal Five is another all girls alliance with Michelle, Tiffany, Nicole, Zakiyah and Da’Vonne. This might be the season where a girl’s alliance actually sticks together!
In a 7-4-0 vote, Jozea is unsurprisingly evicted with Paulie receiving four votes, and Bridgette receiving none. But, this might not be the end for Jozea as another twist is revealed during his interview: Battle Back! One of the first five evicted houseguests will have the opportunity to re-renter the house. It will begin with Jozea battling Glenn, who was evicted last week, and then the winner will battle against next week’s evictee.
We end this week’s episode with a “Berry Balanced” HOH competition involving balance beams and stacking 40 berries. The winner of this HOH will keep themselves and their teammates safe from nominations next week. Until next Thursday BB18 fans!
Big Brother airs Sundays at 8 p.m., Wednesdays at 8 p.m. and Thursdays at 9 p.m. on CBS.