HOLLYWOOD—What is it about week 3 in the “Big Brother” that always seems to bring the most drama. I mean in “Big Brother 24” it was ‘The Leftovers’ forming and completely changing the trajectory of the game. In “Big Brother 25” it was ‘The Professors’ deciding to backdoor one of their own that blew up the game, well add “Big Brother 26” to the mix now that Cedric was about to backdoor an ally only to backout of making the move.
Yes, America, we have so much to talk about. For starters, during the second AI Arena Tucker smoked Angela and Lisa, and when the dust settled everyone was happy for Tucker, while Lisa was blindsided in epic fashion as she was booted from the house. Time for HOH, where one side of the house could absolutely solidify their power, while another could cause an uprising. It was Cedric who was victorious in that balance beam challenge with a new component: hit as many buzzers as possible to tally up your score.
Interesting, but not that much different than the previous reiterations of this competition. While I liked the AI Arena the first week, it became apparent that it was stifling gameplay this week, as we started to see the pattern of the same individuals touching the block because why make enemies if you don’t have to.
Angela and Kenney were touching the block again, for Kenney it was his third consecutive time, while Cedric was busy asking people to be a pawn. For what? If someone is NOT working with you, then nominate them. Hell, you knew that Leah was chatting about targeting you which means, you put her on the block or Rubina who has talked no game with you whatsoever. I’m sorry I’m going to say it now, after three weeks, Rubina and Cam have been absolute duds. Rubina had so much energy in the preseason interviews but is like a ghost in the house doing very little. She has picked things up recently, but that is mainly because her butt is in danger.
For Cam, he should have been cast on “Love Island.” The guy doesn’t know what he is doing nor does it feel like he cares what he is doing. He’s chasing Leah, who is not into him, who is into Tucker, who is not into her, but he is into Rubina, and that looks like the next showmance of the season if Tucker makes it out the week. Why? Tucker decided to volunteer for the block yet again. Ok, this is just stupid because people think they’re invincible if they go into the AI Arena. You don’t know what type of competition is coming. It could be totally random, it could be physical, mental, skill or memory. It is too much of a gamble to play with in my opinion.
So, Tucker, Angela and Kenney are nominees, and it’s all about the Power of Veto because some shenanigans have been happening behind the scenes. Angela knew about Quinn’s power, and she told Tucker who didn’t believer her, but Kimo confirmed to Tucker that Quinn does have the power (for reasons we have no idea). Tucker then spilled that to Joseph and hinted things to Chelsie. Be advised Quinn has no idea so many people know about his power. Joseph told Cam who later told Cedric who was dumbfounded. Cedric legit wanted a final two with Quinn who was uninterested.
Quinn, Cedric could have been your undercover ally no one knew about, instead, you blew that apart for an alliance with Kimo and T’Kor, with Tucker and Rubina on the side. Just one problem, nothing was solidified. If you don’t play the game, the game will play you which happened a ton this week. Joseph and Tucker started playing while others sat back and fell behind. Tucker I don’t know what this guy is doing, it just feels like he likes chaos and he came up with this bonehead plan to backdoor Quinn. Here’s the problem: Quinn has a power that guarantees him the Head of Household.
Would it have been great if no one knew about it? Absolutely, but that is the problem with powers, too many people can’t keep their damn mouth shut. BB players should take note from old school “Survivor” players who kept their lips shut when it came to Immunity Idols, it was a great equalizer in the game and changed the dynamics.
Cedric was weary of the plan, but after Tucker constantly pushed and with Kenney and Cam backing Tucker, Cedric caved in. This is the thing with a backdoor, if you are doing so much to make it happen, you cannot just back out of it, it looks bad and you are showing that you picked a side. Too many people play BB not wanting blood on their hands, and end up having more blood than anyone with silly moves. Cedric your hands are not bloody, they’re drenched in blood. Why?
Brookyln talked some sense into Cedric, who realized going after Quinn was a bad move; he should have warned Tucker to use the POV on yourself (which he did, but Tucker didn’t process). Yeah Tucker was victorious in the POV competition. He wanted to use the veto on Angela, for Quinn to be nominated and then to face off against Quinn in the AI Arena. Slight problem there, Quinn could win leaving you on the block versus Kenney. With your competition prowess, why take out Kenney who doesn’t want to be there, and Tucker who has great social relationships?
It was Day 21, and it seems like that third week is mayhem as Cedric blindsided Kenney and Tucker. Tucker used his POV to save Angela, Cedric nominated Makensy, who used her power saving herself and the third nominee will be chosen by America. That person will be revealed on Thursday right before the live vote, oh baby. Cedric blew the house to pieces and I’m happy, but he placed a target on his back with Kenney and Tucker is livid calling him every name in the book.
However, by doing this Cedric gave the producers of the show everything they wanted: messy gameplay, and both powers being used. MJ aka Makensy used hers and for a moment she wasn’t going to do so thanks to some clever gameplay by Brooklyn. I love Brooklyn, she is under the radar and is playing one of the best games right now, the only person wanting to target her is Kenney and Kenney unless he aligns with Quinn, I don’t see that happening, she doesn’t have to worry much.
Makensy acting like she was blindsided at the POV ceremony was hilarious. You pretty much agreed with Cedric on going up on the block. Stop it, you were covering her tracks with Tucker which is great gameplay because those two together is dangerous.
It is looking like Tucker, Makensy, Leah, Rubina and Angela could become a serious alliance and a threat to the others in the house. I didn’t include Kenney because unless he wins the AI Arena, I think he’s a goner, but if Kenney wins the game becomes interesting. Why? Tucker remains on the block, and he might be facing, Joseph, Quinn, Cam, hell, Rubina could be on the block next to him, it all depends on America and how they choose to nominate and that is dependent on the edit we get in Wednesday’s show, which voting will start after the episode ends, I assume. That is the issue, the edit by the producers will ensure who they want to see on the block touches the block.
Let’s be real Tucker vs. Rubina could be interesting and I think Tucker might get the boot, but so could Rubina. Tucker versus Quinn would be exciting, as would Cam versus Tucker or Joseph versus Tucker. I didn’t mention Kenney versus any of the possible nominees from America because I think Kenney goes regardless who he is up against.
Monday was full of revelations as Brooklyn and Kenney went toe-to-toe as he pointed the finger at her for starting a women’s alliance. No Kenney, it was Makensy and Brookyln stood her ground, and it further proves Kenney was not made for BB. He wants to play when he is victorious and he doesn’t want to play when things are going bad, so it’s time for him to go. I hate when players stay in the game when they don’t want to be there because it stifles gameplay and its annoying as hell. Fun times “BB” fanatics.