UNITED STATES—Two Catholic Bishops have called for New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church for his role in passing a late-term abortion bill.

Cuomo, a Catholic, passed a bill that allows for abortion legal during all 9 months of pregnancy up to birth, if the mother’s health or life is in danger. Cuomo had backing from former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

A recent bill introduced in the state of Vermont would stop the government from preventing a woman’s access to an abortion.

The rights of the person born during an abortion and the unborn who die in the womb as a result of domestic abuse are also recinded in the bill.

The Catholic Church teachings include having respect for life in all of its stages from conception to natural death.


Catholic Bishops, Rick Stika and Joseph Strickland stated that excommunication is not the correct response in this case.

Bishop Stika of Knoxville, Tennessee tweeted, “Enough is enough. Excommunication is not to be a punishment but to bring the person back into the church. It is like medicine for them. But this vote is so hideous and vile that it warrants the act. But thankfully I am not in that position. Very Sad.”

Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas tweeted, “I’m with Bishop Stika. I am not in a position to take action regarding legislation in NY but I implore Bishops who are to speak out forcefully. In any sane society, this is called INFANTICIDE.”

“It’s time to end the charade, even the lie that Andrew Cuomo and others like him are Catholics in good standing,” said Monsignor Charles Pope of Washington D.C. to the National Catholic Register.

Daniel Burke of CNN tweeted that he was given a statement by Cardinal Dolan about the matter indicating that the message was not to any one individual, but that the main message was “excommunication should not be used as a weapon.”

Cuomo responded to the calls for him to be excommunicated on Tuesday, January 29 stating “I have my own Catholic beliefs, how I live my life.” “I don’t govern as a Catholic. I don’t legislate as a Catholic,” Cuomo added.