UNITED STATES—Are you looking at you credit card statements America because if you haven’t you might want to start looking at them because those streaming services and Cable companies are once again raising rates. It seems like every 6 months or a year the prices go up and the consumer is just to accept it without complaints, but I’m over it, I am truly over it.

Netflix has just raised its rates yet again, to nickel and dime the consumer. Companies just get greedier by the minute without every thinking about the people who pay for their products. Not everyone are millionaires and billionaires like you, perhaps a dose of reality will do some of these companies good. With the snap of a finger they lose it all that massive bank account and the ability to do as they please without having to think about it.

Maybe they can walk in the shoes of the struggling work class American and finally have an opportunity see what it feels like to ‘Rob Peter to Pay Paul.’ Who even pays $25 a month for Netflix’s premium content. Yes, there is plenty of stuff to watch on Netflix, but its too much damn stuff. You can’t watch everything at one time, and this notion of ad free content is just frustrating. It is an ad people; your life will not go into ruins because a program you’re watching has a minute to 2 minutes interruption.

If anything you should be happy with that because it allows you to run to the restroom, grab a bite to eat, make a quick phone call or take care of a quick email that you needs to send to someone. Someone recently broke down the prices most would be paying if they just had a plethora of streaming services and internet. That is the thing people forget, with those streamers you have to have the internet, which means you’re paying another fee to be entertained, and let’s be honest internet is not cheap, it is not always consistent, and it can frustrate the hell out of you at times.

It does raise the question if at times should you just keep Cable instead of cutting the cord. That is something you have to think about, but the Cable companies are not any better. They tend to try to sneak these charges into your bill without alerting you which is something my Cable company recently did. I was appalled to find out streaming services that I have with my package. I was never informed about it, but the realization has hit me its cheaper to purchase the streaming service solo and not in a Cable package because it is much higher.

Why should I be paying higher for something that I can get cheaper? I guess I would be paying for convenience. In the past I wouldn’t argue or complain about it, but it has gotten to a point that I’m not about to continue to pay more to receive less. I have some streaming services that I watch here and there, but I’m NOT always watching so it tells me that is money that can be saved and spent elsewhere on other things, things that I actually need or have to take care of. Yeah, entertainment is important, but at the same time, I don’t want to toss trash in the can for a streaming service that I’m barely watching or using.

Yeah, I know there are people who have every single streaming service that is out there, but I’m not one of those people and I never will be. Having an abundance of content doesn’t matter to me, it has to be content I want to watch, which I’m realizing with Cable as well. If you’re not giving me what I want and need its time to cut and cut and cut.

Americans you better start to look at those bills and what you’re paying because you might be stunned when you realize things have climbed $10 to $20 than what you were previously paying. You might say oh, that’s not a big deal, but the reality is, that money adds up.

Written By Jason Jones