UNITED STATES—Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, one of the women who accused Brett Kavanuagh of sexual assault, has been receiving donations via GoFundMe. The donations were to cover the costs of Dr. Ford’s security. Dr. Ford is currently a psychology professor at Palo Alto University.
Two of Ford’s accounts raised over $700,000 combined, but neither of the accounts is still accepting donations. One of the accounts titled “Help Christine Blasey Ford” raised over $525,000, according to heavy.com. Another account titled “Cover Dr. Blasey’s Security Costs” raised over $209,000.
Dr. Ford accused Kavanaugh of assaulting her when the two were in high school in the 1980s. During the hearing on Capitol Hills, Ford said, “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”
Despite the allegations, Kavanaugh’s nomination passed with 11 Senate approval votes to 10 disapproval votes. The vote was then moved to the Senate who approved Kavanaugh by a vote of 50-48 on Saturday, October 6. Kavanaugh was nominated by President Donald Trump to be a Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Kennedy who is retiring.
Senator Susan Collins, a crucial vote in the hearing voiced her reasoning claiming that although she believed Ford had been assaulted, it was most likely not by Kavanaugh. Dr. Ford’s attorney announced that Ford is not staying at her current home because of death threats.
Dr. Ford’s attorney said, “It’s going to be quite some time before they’re [Ford’s family] is able to live at home. The threats are unending. It’s deplorable. It’s been very frightening.”
Kavanaugh was privately sworn in later in the day on October 6. He started his first day on the Supreme Court on Tuesday, October 9.