MALIBU—The City Council approved the 2022 Engineering and Traffic Survey (ETS) on June 13, lowering speed limits in several locations and allowing the continued use of radar speed enforcement to improve traffic safety in Malibu.
“Traffic safety is an important daily concern for residents, employees, students, and anyone using our roads in cars, on foot or on bikes,” said Mayor Paul Grisanti. “Anything we can do to make our roads safer is a win for everyone.”
According to the city of Malibu, speed surveys are required under the California Vehicle Code and the national Uniform Vehicle Code to be able to change speed limits and use radar enforcement, and speed zones must be regularly evaluated to ensure speed limits are justified for the road conditions. The new May 2022 City speed survey was needed after the city’s most recent Engineering and Traffic Survey was completed in 2016.
Speed limits are generally established at or below the speed at which 85 percent of traffic is moving. Malibu’s 2022 ETS examined 46 road segments, and applied field observations and traffic counts, and reviews of road geometrics, accident data, surrounding land use, existing speed limit signs, roadway crossings, and any conditions may contribute to special circumstances.
The 2022 ETS recommended lowering the speed limits at 11 separate road segments. New speed limit signs will be installed at the 11 locations on Civic Center Way, Dume Drive, Encinal Canyon Road, Heathercliff Road, Kanan Dume Road, Malibu Canyon Road, Merrit Drive, and Trancas Canyon Road. The speed limit will be lowered by 5 MPH in each location.
Malibu cannot change speed limits on PCH or state highways, which are controlled by Caltrans, or on private roads or roads outside the city’s boundaries. Speed limits in the city of Malibu are specifically enforced by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
The item returns to the Malibu City Council for a second reading and final adoption on June 27, after which the city will install the new speed limits signs.
For more details and to view the staff report: