SANTA MONICA—The Santa Monica City Council is planning to achieve a city-wide reduction in water usage by December 31, 2016. The new initiative includes an updated Water Shortage Response Plan.
The city has asked residents, visitors, businesses, and their employees to take immediate action by reducing 2.2 million gallons of water usage a day. Reducing water usage will lessen the impacts of the drought on local groundwater, while improving local, regional and state-wide sustainability.
Beginning April 2015, water use allowances will be incorporated on all utility bills. Allowances will reflect a 20 percent decrease, and only be applied to all customers-single-family, multi-family, commercial, and landscaping.
According to, residential water conservation thresholds have been set to acknowledge the conservation efforts that many residents have already taken. Customers who are at or below these thresholds on a bi-monthly basis will not be required to reduce water usage by 20 percent.
Starting in March, residential and commercial water customers are eligible to apply for an increase in their water usage if they have taken all measures to saving water. In addition, they cannot achieve a 20 percent reduction due to financial hardship and/or to prevent an emergency condition related to health and safety.
The Water Use Allowance Adjustment Applications will be available on-line at and at the Finance Department’s public counter located at 1717 4th Street.
Water customers will have until October 2015 to make essential water saving changes to meet their water use allowance before penalties are issued. For more information on how to reduce water usage visit or call (310) 458-2213.