WEST HOLLYWOOD—According to a press release from the city of West Hollywood, the third in a series of micro-parks — Kaleidoscope — was installed at the intersection of Santa Monica Boulevard and La Peer Drive.
Kaleidoscope is a series of colorful, rotating, mirrored acrylic squares that reflect light, surrounding buildings, and the movements of passers-by to create a visual and experiential happening on the sidewalk. It offers opportunities for optical and tactile engagement that transforms as people approach; the parts move around and interact with the installation.
From afar, it appears like a field of color and reflections that change during the day. When people approach, they can engage directly by rotating the squares, walking around the installation, taking a break on one of the two swing chairs, or by venturing in and taking a moment of what it is like to be inside a kaleidoscope. Kaleidoscope was conceived by Daveed Kapoor of Utopiad in collaboration with Rob Berry of Berry and Linné.
The city of West Hollywood is encouraging people to take pictures and selfies of its micro-parks, and the photos can be shared on social media for all to enjoy with the hashtag #micropark.
Kaleidoscope follows the micro-park installations of TinyParks on the city of West Hollywood’s Eastside and the #WeLoveWeHo selfie spot at West Hollywood City Hall.
The temporary micro-park installations are a project of West Hollywood’s Micro-Park Pilot Program, which activates underutilized spaces within the city during the renovation of West Hollywood Park. Kaleidoscope, TinyParks, and #WeLoveWeHo are the first three of four installations, which are expected to last in place for 12 to 18 months.
To learn more, visit www.weho.org/micropark for updates on additional micro-parks to be installed across West Hollywood. For more information, please contact Garen Gary Srapyan, Associate Planner for the City of West Hollywood, at (323) 848-6827, or gsrapyan@weho.org. For those who are deaf or hearing impaired, call TTY (323) 848-6496.