BEVERLY HILLS─The city of Beverly Hills’ comprehensive guide to making the region more mobility friendly is nearing its completion. An updated version of the City’s Draft Complete Streets Plan will be presented during a special meeting of the Traffic and Parking Commission on Tuesday, December 3 at 6 p.m. in the Municipal Gallery at City Hall.

According to a press release from Keith Sterling, Public Information Officer for Beverly Hills, the Draft Plan provides a framework for programs, policies and infrastructure projects to make navigating the city easier, enjoyable and equitable across all modes: people on foot, on wheels, riding transit and in cars.

To ensure it is user-friendly, the plan was structured by mode (bicycling, walking, taking transit, and driving). Goals and policies for each mode are identified to better guide decision makers and a detailed bikeway network of recommendations are featured. A new standalone Action Plan identifies implementation of priority projects by year and will serve as a working document as tasks are completed.

The plan represents a community-driven planning effort and a focus on preparing for the opening of the future Metro Purple Line subway stations through recommendations for first/last mile connections.

Beverly Hills is inviting the community to review the updated plan at  Hard copies of the plan are available in the City Clerk’s office and the Library.

For more details or questions call 310-285-1128 or email