HOLLYWOOD—What can I say about “Conclave”? It is a movie that I have been hearing buzz about for quite some time, and I finally managed to catch a glimpse and wow, was this a movie that stunned me in the best possible way. “Conclave” is a slow burn, but when it ignites it is some powerful stuff. One, I’m not too big on religion. Yes, I believe in God and such, but I don’t get into the depths of religion like some people do, so I had some trepidation for the movie based on that alone.

However, so much talk had been made about Ralph Fiennes performance, as a movie buff I wanted to know what all the talk was about. Fiennes delivers people as Thomas Lawrence, the Dean of the College of Cardinals, who takes the reigns to help elect the next Pope after the current Pope suddenly dies. For those not in the know a conclave is when the gathering of the College of Cardinals come together to select a new pope.

It is amazing at times how when you watch some movies you can learn a ton of things in the process. Fiennes delivers a subtle energy to a character, who doesn’t rile easily, but when he does it is fantastic to watch as a viewer. All that talk about him being a frontrunner for that Best Actor Oscar is quite warranted and at the time I’m watching this I’m not sure who could best him.

There is a calm approach to his demeanor, but he has this moral integrity that he rarely allows to be questioned or diminished. This is what I would call a religious thriller because we all think those in the religious realm are saints and they don’t sin, but the honest truth is that those in the religious realm are bigger sinners than those who are not. It is a game of politics and in the realm of religion it is quite testier than other agencies to say.

I mean Cardinals spreading lies, manipulating and cutting corners to find a way to reach the pinnacle of positions? I could never imagined such, but the script by Peter Straughan is so salacious, but demure at the same time. Yes, it takes about 45 minutes for the movie to really start to gain its footing, but being patient totally pays off. Why? Once the first bomb is dropped, another bomb is dropped, then another bomb and before you know it you’re reaching a big climax, where the bomb of bombs is dropped and I was eating up everything I was watching on the big screen.

I will admit some of the terminology utilized in the movie threw me for a loop as vocabulary is used that I didn’t even understand the meaning and I had to go look up a few terms because I had never heard them before. I also enjoyed how the film played with the dynamics of gender as it pertains to nuns and priests. Yes, that word of obedience comes up yet again, and I harken back to the performances of Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Doubt” which is one of my favorite movies.

It just goes to show people that while you think a film about religion can be boring, it is much more fascinating than you can imagine if you just allow yourself to enter the realm. Fiennes is just a tinge of the acting caliber in this movie that includes Stanley Tucci, the iconic John Lithgow, Sergio Castellitto and Isabella Rossellini. Just some fantastic performances all around that are Oscar caliber and I would be happy to see the accolades earned.

I cannot believe I am going to say this, but I might be watching “Conclave” for a second time around because I was so entertained in the best way possible. This is that movie for adults and it has a fantastic script with a narrative that hooks you in the best way possible.