HOLLYWOOD—Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself. Things have been so fascinating on “General Hospital” for February sweeps and it looks like things are getting better each and every day. First, we have to discuss how great Tonja Walker is in the villainess role of Olivia Jerome. Yes, a mobster is always a great threat, but when the mobster is a woman that makes things even more nefarious. She swooped into town like a bat with nine lives.
She had an agenda and she has been carefully notching off her targets or those who have been threats to her master plan along the way, particularly her brother Julian. I mean if my sibling tried to kill me and I survived, yeah, I might have a grudge, better yet I might be furious, so I think Julian deserves everything that is coming his way. However, I would not target the man’s family, which happens to be Olivia’s too! I mean the woman framed her own sister Ava for Morgan’s death. That is just plain cold, but I must say it’s nice to see Ava sweat a bit. I mean she did tamper with Morgan’s pills which ultimately led to his erratic behavior.
And it sucked to know that Ava’s daughter Kiki made it crystal clear if she finds out her mother hurt Morgan in ANYWAY it would be the end of their relationship. Can’t say I don’t blame her. I mean Ava has done some despicable things to her own daughter, yet the youngster has found a way to forgive time and time again. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I still find myself frustrated by the fact that NONE of these people in Port Charles have put the pieces to the puzzle together that Julian has more than one sister people, and just because someone suspects a person is dead, does NOT mean they’re truly dead (especially in the soap world). Olivia has been focused like a laser at getting her hands on General Hospital (not sure why), but Julian has been her puppet along the way. Well, he made an egregious mistake when he attempted to poison his sister. That sent Olivia on a mission to target Julian’s daughter Sam and her unborn baby, where a shootout unfolded on a snowy bridge to say the least, where Sam was injured. Olivia, you just threatened the life of the woman who has Jason Morgan’s heart?
Another hot button story is Anna Devane! Yes, it looks like Anna might be in serious danger and it’s no joke this time around. Yep, Anna has been suffering paralyzing migraines lately, and last week things culminated while she was snooping at Valentin’s abode. She collapsed after being confronted by Valentin who rushed his ‘enemy’ former ally as the WSB to the hospital. It was there that the audience learned from Dr. Griffin and Dr. Finn that Anna is suffering from a rare form of blood cancer. A cancer where a cure does not exist, things have to be serious if her daughter Robin made an emergency stop back in town.
However, I think there is much more going on with this tale than I suspect, and I would not be surprised if Olivia Jerome (who has NEVER been a fan of Anna) may have implemented a plan of revenge against the woman who stole her one true love, Duke Lavery. It seems Julian and Anna would be the only people who could peg the back from the dead Jerome sibling, so it was fantastic television to see Anna and Olivia come face-to-face at long last this week. Sweeps might be over, but the drama for “General Hospital” is moving into the month of March people!