HOLLYWOOD—Where do I actually begin with the NBC soap “Days of Our Lives” America? If anything there has been a flurry of faces that have returned to Salem in recent weeks. Villainess Jan Spears, good girl Abigail Deveraux and reformed bad boy Tripp have returned to town to play a role in current storylines. First and foremost, Jan, she was the wicked woman who was off her rocker and threatened Shawn and Belle’s relationship in the past.
This time around she was ushered in town courtesy of Sami Brady in her quest to ensure she won custody of her daughter Allie’s grandchild. Nicole and Eric were furious, but in the end it seems Sami’s dirty tactics worked to her advantage as she was granted custody of the child by the judge. Looks like this is exactly what the writers were planning, as Nicole and Eric are soon be ushered out of town after a job opportunity was presented to Eric that is hard to resist. As for Jan, Marlena and Belle have both torn into her about her actions warning that if anyone in their family gets hurt, it’s on her.
Get those blinders open because it’s starting to look like Jan has her eye on Claire, Shawn and Belle’s daughter who has had her issues in the past. Let’s just say Jan better beware because Belle is having NONE of it. Speaking of Claire, she came face-to-face with Tripp who is back in town after leaving his current school to continue his path to be a doctor at Salem University. Interesting? Yes, which leads me to believe there is much more going on with Tripp than what he is leading on.
Kayla and Steve were happy to see him back in town, but with Ciara missing it raises the question: was she the reason he returned to town? Speaking of Ciara, this was a doozy, but in the soap arena nothing is ever as it seems. Vincent was working for Eve because his wife Wendy, the doula who helped deliver Abigail’s baby was murdered by Ben. So yeah, it makes perfect sense now when you think about it. He was holding Ciara captive at Wendy’s former home, but with Ben, Hope and Shawn on his trail Vincent knew he had to run.
Too bad he found himself accustomed and with Ciara in tow, the car exploded just as Vincent made a run for it. Of course Ciara’s wedding ring was found in the car, but it’s too obvious and we did not definitively see a body. So that means, she’s likely alive and being hidden somewhere. Until then, Ben is grieving his lost and Hope is grappling with losing a second child. Remember her and Bo lost Zach when he was struck by a car driven by Bo’s daughter Chelsea. Devastating without a doubt and I’m certain this will lead to Hope Brady’s exit from the soap.
We’ve spoken about two returns already it’s time to speak about another: Abigail. Yes, after seeking treatment in Florida after spiraling when she was drugged several weeks ago, she is back in Salem. However, the character of Abigail is NOT being played by Kate Mansi it’s being played by Marci Miller. Both women have made the character unique in their own ways. Abigail captured Chad in the arms of Gwen, Jake’s ex. Remember how I argued I was bored with Gwen, but a development has sparked my interest yet again.
Remember how everyone thought it was Gabi who drugged Abby, and I was like no way, it might have been Chad? Nope, it was Gwen! A bit of a shocker, but I’m trying to figure out WHY? That is the thing that has not added up yet, because it’s apparent someone put Gwen up to drugging Abby and it was not Gabi, so who is pulling her strings behind the scenes? I’m sure we will learn in due time America.
In other Salem news, Brady returned to town to check on his father John, who has finally awakened, but is not himself lately people. Brady did not come to town alone, he returned with Kristen who is still wanted for attempted murder. Like seriously Kristen? Do you like to toy with danger? She placed Lani in a predicament as Eli was not happy his wife was harboring a fugitive. Like I said, Lani wants to work the law when it works best in her favor, but it does not operate this way.
Eli promised to stay quiet, but that was not the case as Kristen found herself in cuffs and as a result Lani was furious. Dare I say, you reap what you sew Lani. You cannot have your cake and eat it too unfortunately. With that said, it looks like Xander has NOT turned over a new leaf because he is working overtime to oust Phillip from Titan and he has his eye on Jan Spears to do it. I will argue Phillip is not as wicked as his father Victor, but he is a Kiriakis so I would not cross him Xander, you might end up regretting it.