SANTA MONICA—The Love Me Run event is aimed to develop relationships. Each participant in the 5k race will get a new running mate every 1k. The “Love Me Leaders” randomly set up each pairing.
The run is broken down into different zones for maximum matchmaking success. There is the running zone where partners will jog together. The speed walking and talking zone allows for conversation as no running is allowed. This area has conversation prompters to aid communication. The next leg is repeated with five different partners, and a mingling portion where participants can reconnect with an old flame or find someone new.
According to the Pew Research Center, one-third of people who use an online dating site go on a date with someone they met through that site. The event will be held on November 12 in Santa Monica, with a cost of $45.
“So even though leaving the comfort of your couch can be daunting, there’s an experience, a new friend, and a cool story to tell that’s waiting for you,” said blogger Penn and Quill on the Love Me Run website.
Singles can register as a volunteer to help the race. All volunteers are invited to the mingling party preceding the race.