MALIBU—”Fredrick the Butterfly” is up and soaring while spreading a message of love author Karen Ann Smythe told Canyon News in an interview. The award-winning author spoke about what inspired her to write “Fredrick the Butterfly,” how her book has been received by the public, and her future plans as an author.
Tate Publishing, who published Smythe’s first book, describes “Fredrick the Butterfly” as, “A true and incredible experience shared by a family when they save a butterfly’s life.”
Smythe told Canyon News that this book is nonfiction and what happened between her family and the butterfly really happened. She wanted everyone to know the story and for Fredrick the Butterfly to spread love.
“When my daughters were little we saved the butterfly and he lived,” Smythe said. “I wanted everyone to know the story. It is amazing, he really thanked us.”
When it came to book writing, though, she said she had no clue how to do it, even though she worked in the entertainment industry. With a prayer, she said, she was able to get the idea of making her family’s experience with the butterfly whose life they had saved into a story. Smythe sent the book idea to Tate Publishing who approved it and told her she had to write the story.
“I had no clue how to do it. It was quite a process,” Smythe told Canyon News. “And, boom, I did it and then I won the 2015 Beverly Hills International Book Award. I am a first time author. Now the book comes with a sticker award seal on it.”
With her first book, Smythe was able to win the 2015 Beverly Hills International Book Award for first time author in children’s nonfiction. Being an award winning published author has humbled her, she indicated to Canyon News. Smythe said she is having fun with the book and is happy it has become well received and well loved.
“I am really happy about the book, because everyone loves it, it has a great message, it has a great theme and it’s true,” Smythe said.
She also expressed her love of the publishing company, Tate Publishing, stating that they have been spectacular, top notch and incredible. Smythe is now working on her second book that will add more to her life story and the story of Fredrick the Butterfly. She is also focusing on turning “Fredrick the Butterfly” into an animated children’s film.
Smythe is the mother of two daughters, Julia and Veronica, and lives in Malibu. She was born and raised in Summit, New Jersey. She has traveled around the world and worked on several movies.
“Fredrick the Butterfly” is available on Amazon and on Tate Publishing’s website at The book is available in hardcover, paperback, ebook and in Spanish.