HOLLYWOOD—Talk about a way to end the season because wow, I was just stunned with what was given to viewers for the season three finale of the MGM+ series “From.” This week’s episode, “Revelations: Chapter Two’ did not disappoint me a single bit. SPOILER ALERT: If you have not watched the episode, stop reading this right now!

How can I best say this? We got some reveals and they were some big reveals to say the least. For starters, we found out what was growing inside of Fatima and it was what I suspected. We learned who these creatures are, we learned more about the ‘children,’ there was a new villain introduced, a major death and a whopper of a memory that changes everything as we know it.

So where do I begin? Let’s start with Boyd, Ellis and Kenny trying to locate Fatima and they went directly to Elgin. Yeah, Elgin all those clues you were hinting last week led to Ellis connecting the dots and it became a race against time to locate Fatima before something bad transpired and this is where the extreme began.

Boyd, Donna, Kenny, Sara and Ellis tried to get Elgin to talk, but he refused noting what was happening was good for Fatima’s baby and the town of ‘Fromville.’ With that said, Boyd took drastic steps utilizing some tools to inflict a bit of pain on Elgin. How so? He whacked his hand with a hammer, making it bloody and broken. However, even that was not enough, and I hate to say it but Sara got done what needed to be done.

So much to the point that Elgin lost an eye as a result, but it led to Boyd, Ellis and Kenny locating Fatima. More on that later because it’s a doozy. We have to talk about Victor who was still blaming himself over Miranda’s death, but not before telling Henry where he buied his mother and his sister, Eloise. However, Victor was not sure if what he buried was truly Eloise because of the missing parts. Hmm, why do I have this feeling that Eloise could possibly be alive and if so, where is she?

Randall continued to spiral, so much to the point he almost lobotomized himself in the process. Marielle stopped him, causing Kristi to ask her lover if all is ok. The answer was simple: no, it was not. Julie continued to speculate her ability to time travel and Ethan delivered some promising news in the process: she’s a story-walker. Julie thought she could go back in time and change things, perhaps bring Tian-Chen back, but Ethan explained she can’t change the story once it’s already written, but Julie was not sold on that. More on that later because it leads to something epic and a game changer.

Jim helped Jade and Tabitha solve a crucial clue and I mean a big one about the ‘Bottle Tree.’ Yes, Jade thought he had all the answers, but he didn’t, Jim solved the mystery, noting the numbers in the bottle were a clue to a melody, i.e. MUSIC! Never would have guessed that in a million years, but it made Jade and Tabitha ecstatic.

The violin was played by Jade near the tree and the children indeed came and that phrase ‘Anghkooey’ was uttered, but this time Jade and Tabitha recalled a memory. The word means to ‘Remember.’ This is where the whooper hit me and the characters. Tabitha and Jade are reincarnations of Christopher and Miranda who had been to the town before. They tried to save the children, but failed. Jade and Tabitha had a child who was part of a sacrifice, a daughter to be specific, and they tried to save her, but failed and they keep coming back to the town reincarnated as new people, as they try to save the children.

It blew my mind. I didn’t see that coming from a million miles away and it fractured Tabitha and left Jade frozen with fear. Game-changer of information that even Jim was not able to process. This connects to Fatima, whose baby was taken by the Kimono Lady into the caves. She spilled to Ellis, Boyd and Kenny that the creatures are people from the town who sacrificed their children for immortal life. Yes, Fatima is still alive (thankfully), but Boyd was not pleased.

He traveled into the caves and discovered something wicked. That bundle of joy that Fatima was carrying, was like a pod and all those creepy townsfolk, were there watching as the pod developed into one of the creatures, and to Boyd’s surprise it was Smiley! Yes, the creature that Boyd killed has been rebirthed, so it raises the question if these creatures can even die. I’m starting to think no. This all culminated with Julie looking for Jim in the woods, but Julie looked different; older and with darker hair. She was telling Jim to get back to town ASAP as danger was near and we got to meet a ‘Man in Yellow’ who was scary as you know what.

He warned Jim about Tabitha and Jade playing the song, and Julie tried to get Jim to flee, but he came to defend his daughter, but it was not any help. Why? The Man in Yellow accosted him and grabbed him by the throat, before ripping it apart, and Julie unleashed a scream before the screen went to black. Yeah, I have to wait till 2026 for season four. OMG, I have no clue as to what I’m going to do. So many questions. Jim can’t be alive right? What else did Julie see because it’s apparent she went back in time? Who is Tabitha and Jade’s daughter?

How is Victor connected to all of this? What are the creatures next plan? Who is the Kimono Lady? The Man in Yellow can roam during the day? I got a lot of answers in this season finale, but I have so many more answers I need and now I have to patiently wait, which is the bummer of all bummers America. I swear this has been the best show I have stumbled upon in years, jeez, I don’t know what I’m going to do on Sundays now that this series has culminated for the time being.