WASHINGTON D.C.—With Memorial Day upon us, we really should give thanks to our soldiers and troops who are unable to spend this holiday with their families. Each year families around America bring out the grill for the summer and kids learn about lost soldiers and deceased family members, but mainly it’s a movie weekend. Parents have lost their desire to impart wisdom and respect on their children because today they’d rather watch cable news and whine about America.
This year we should make a point of explaining to our children the importance of remembering those who have left us. Whether it’s a relative or the many troops we’ve lost during this almost decade-long war on terror. Our soldiers are the brightest amongst us. They are truly amazing heroes, especially when you see how in America during the last two years adults are being so disrespectful of authority and so demeaning and vicious. You really have to wonder what we are teaching the children of America. If you don’t like your teacher and/or your principal, or even your parents, call them names, carry nasty signs, spread rumors all over the Internet and defeat that person by vicious tactics.
Our heroes honor the dead and they respect authority. Soldiers never forget to show respect and deference to their authority figures even if they disagree with them. It’s almost too bad our best Americans are thousands of miles away in the Middle East and the subcontinent fighting terrible murderers when our children would be better off with many of their own parents and grandparents being here stateside, instead of being so far away from home. Though our troops have put their nation before their own needs and desires, young people would learn a lot more about respect both self and for others if our soldiers were here to raise them, instead of many who remain in America tearing it apart with hatred and ignorance.
Please place a flag on a fallen soldier’s grave this weekend. Remember our troops and their families. Offer to cook a meal for the family of a soldier who is far away from home this weekend, but most of all, show respect for others. That’s truly the best gift you can give our children. No matter how bad times are right now, we owe it to our children to give them the best tools to go out into the world when they are grown. Education, financial security and whatever you may want to give your children to help them along in the future are necessary. However, without respect for others and self respect, they are destined not to become happy and productive citizens in the greatest country in the history of the world.
God bless America.