WASHINGTON D.C. —This week in the news was the story of little 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings in Florida who has been missing for over a year now. She was last seen in her home by babysitter Misty Croslin, who claimed she was asleep and someone entered the home while she was still asleep and kidnapped Haleigh without her knowledge. Misty Croslin became Haleigh’s stepmother a week after her disappearance. Meanwhile, Croslin’s brother Tommy Croslin allegedly reported to police that he wanted to clear his conscious and tell where another relative allegedly hid the young girl’s body.
Several years ago, during a slumber party in her home in northern California, Polly Klaas was kidnapped by a registered sex offender who assaulted and killed the young girl. There have been numerous kidnappings and murders of young girls and boys not only here in southern California but throughout the nation.
Perhaps the case most well known today is the kidnapping and later return of the beautiful, well spoken and intelligent young lady Elizabeth Smart, who was taken during the night from her bedroom in her affluent Salt Lake City home. Luckily after many months of counseling, her younger sister remembered the face of the man who took Elizabeth. It was a man their parents had hired to do odd jobs around the home some weeks before their daughter’s kidnapping.
America is in a state of disarray in more ways than one. With a new political party on the rise, one that seems to be enthralled in allegations of racial hatred, two current political parties that simply are out of touch with Americans and the values we believe in. We also have health care reform now signed into law without one paragraph in the thousands of pages having any mental health reform for our nation. Almost all taxes are soon to be on the rise to pay for more entitlements rather than cutting current spending to help lower and get rid of the U.S. government’s double digit trillion dollar deficits. Buried in all the stories and new books by conservatives who make lots of money when liberals are in power, just as the liberal mouth pieces make their fortunes when conservatives are in power are the horrific stories that should matter to Americans about the attack on our children. In all of this, our children, our most precious resource is forgotten.
The Catholic Church is reportedly going to take a play from the Clinton playbook, when he was being investigated by Kenneth Starr. They now intend to call the demands for investigations into how they mishandled the hundreds of thousands of situations of young children being abused world-wide by priests, as an attack from anti-Catholic forces in the media and within other religions. It’s absolutely astonishing to me that our kids are being abused, kidnapped and murdered and we’re fighting about everything except what really should matter. Protecting our nation’s youth.
Please continue to pray for and support our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, that are fighting the terrorists who attacked us on September 11, 2001 and still want to do us harm. Please contact your Congressman and demand that the Adam Walsh Child Safety and Protection Act of 2006, signed into law by President George Walker Bush be funded completely to keep our children safe.