HOLLYWOOD HILLS—The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (PAC) selected its 2017 Board of Directors on Thursday, March 30, according to a press release.
PAC, founded in 2010 by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, aims to strengthen the Hollywood business community’s voice among elected officials, and “recognizes the significance of government and political conduct in determining the future of Los Angeles businesses,” states its website.
Board members were elected at the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, and include:
- Mark R. Edwards of MRE Communications as president
- James Litz of the Greater LA Association of Realtors as vice president
- Brian Folb of Paramount Contractors & Developers as secretary
- Marty Shelton of NAI Capital Commercial Real Estate as treasurer
- Chris Barton of Hudson Pacific Properties
- Susan Cabral-Ebert of IATSE Local 706
- Jeff Zarrinnam of Hollywood Hotel
- Leron Gubler as ex officio of Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.
“Thank you to the PAC Board of Governors for their continued confidence in me by electing me to serve a second term,” said Edwards, president of the Board, who has 20 years experience in public affairs. Edwards has worked as a political campaign manager, as well as in the private sector of government and community relations.
“After a busy election season, the PAC will focus on raising funds, advocacy and building with local, regional and state government officials,” he said.
The PAC’s primary objective is to facilitate forum and actively engage legislators on the needs and concerns of Chamber members and the business community.
“Chamber of Commerce across the country have found PACs to be an essential tool in advancing the business community agenda at local, state, and federal levels,” said Hollywood Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Leron Gubler in a statement.