TOKYO — In sight of Japan’s growing risk of complete nuclear meltdown, the country’s 77-year-old sovereign, Emperor Akihito, delivered a rare message to his people on Wednesday in which is urged his subjects to remain calm and perseverant in the “difficult days that lie ahead.”

The emperor said of the nuclear threat, “I am deeply concerned by the nuclear situation, and I hope that it will be resolved. I hope things will take a turn for the better.”

Listening to the Emperor’s message, Japanese workers redoubled their efforts to prevent a catastrophic nuclear meltdown in a nuclear complex on the country’s northeast coast, devastated by tsunami and earthquake damage sustained five days earlier.

The emperor then turned his attention to the victims of the tragedy, urging them not to abandon hope. He spoke, “We do not know how many have died, it is my hope that many more will be saved.”

This is the first time that the emperor has delivered a video message to express his feelings to his people.  He also urged that everyone remain sympathetic to those who live in the disaster areas, and remain supportive of their recovery efforts.