UNITED STATES—Women for Trump announced that a march for President Donald is scheduled for October 17, in Washington D.C. “Stop the Impeachment Now” is the theme of the March.
A statement from the Trump administration regarding the impeachment inquiry can be found on the Women for Trump web page along with a message from Diamond & Silk, and information on the organization.
“We want our President to know he is not alone. We stand with him”, the advertising for the event reads. “Please plan to join us in Washington, D.C for this important event. Our President needs us now more than ever before. We must not let him down.”
Plans are in place to have buses travel from across the United States. There will be updates in the days ahead, with specifics that include lodging, and schedules.
According to the Women for Trump website, there are a total of 218,000 followers, where thousands gather for events nationwide in support of President Trump.