WASHINGTON— On Monday, August 10, President Trump announced via Twitter that he will deliver his GOP nomination acceptance speech from either the battlefield at Gettysburg or the White House.
In the tweet, Trump stated: “We have narrowed the Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech, to be delivered on the final night of the Convention (Thursday), to two locations – The Great Battlefield of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and the White House, Washington, D.C. We will announce the decision soon!”
The Republican National Convention is scheduled for August 24 to August 27. It was initially to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed by Democratic Governor Roy Cooper, it was moved to Jackonsillve, Florida. The surge in COVID-19 cases in Florida returned the convention to its original site in Charlotte.
The Republican National Convention estimated it would have no more than 500 delegates per day at the Charlotte Convention Center and the Westin hotel.
“We understand that some events necessary to conduct official convention business may require measures that would not be allowed for a normal event. Therefore, in the spirit of accommodating the unique interests and needs of the convention, we have expressed a willingness to flexibly enforce certain . . . public health measures,” wrote health director Elizabeth Tilson to RNC officials.
President Trump is expected to visit Charlotte and attend business meetings with party leaders. However, he will not give his acceptance speech there.
Former Vice President Joe Biden will accept his nomination in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the Democratic National Convention was originally set to be held.