MALIBU — As the Los Angeles County Metro System is in the process of updating its bus system, a proposed change for Malibu is being considered that would remove two bus stops and change a bus’s frequency.

The proposed changes for Malibu would involve the 534 bus line, which under the new proposal would become the 134 bus line. The 134 line would no longer provide service to the two stops in the Point Dume area; Cliffside and Dume. According to the Los Angeles Metro System, the discontinuation of theses stops is due to underutilized service.

In regard to the bus line’s frequency, the change will bring more frequent bus arrivals. Evening buses will arrive every 45 minutes, rather than every 55, and midday buses will remain around the same frequency of every 45 minutes. Buses during peak frequency hours, which were previously ranging from every 26 minutes to 57 minutes, will now also be every 45 minutes.

The proposed new 134 bus is currently available for public review at Los Angeles Metro’s website and will be proposed during a series of virtual public hearings taking place from August 19 to August 27. All public is welcome to attend any of the meetings throughout the public hearings time frame.

The Westside Central Region virtual meeting, which includes Malibu, will occur on August 26 at 6:00 p.m. The virtual meeting for all regions will be tomorrow, August 22 at 10:00 a.m.

For information regarding how to participate in the virtual Metro meetings, visit Community members are also encouraged to email comments to