UNITED STATES—The constitutional rights of unborn children of United States citizens may be at stake. The U.S. Senate voted 53-44 in favor of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protection Act on February 25 sponsored by Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska. Three pro-abortion Democrats blocked the bill that required 60 votes. This bill would have protected infants born alive during an abortion.
“Today we saw the extremism of the abortion industry’s agenda on full display,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “The 44 members of the United States Senate who voted against this bill now need to explain to their constituents why they believe abortion is such an absolute ‘right’ that it protects what amounts to infanticide: willfully withholding life-saving care from a born-alive infant.”
"A Democrat serving in the U.S. Senate from neighboring Oregon is supporting infanticide while sponsoring legislation to save kittens." @1310KLIX
Read FRC's update on the #KITTEN Act: https://t.co/HEw3UFG2Yz https://t.co/Yvyql0EGFi
— FRC (@FRCdc) March 20, 2019
Live Action reported that the Virginia delegate, Kathy Tran proposed the law that allowed for abortion even during labor and directly afterward proposed another bill for protections of the gypsy moth.
A number of obstetricians spoke out to Regina Magazine regarding the extreme abortion laws passed in the state of New York allowing for abortion up to the point of birth with no protections of infants born alive.
“I want to clear something up so that there is absolutely no doubt,” said Dr. Omar Hamada of Tennessee, on social media on Wednesday. “There’s not a single fetal or maternal condition that requires third-trimester abortion. Not one. Delivery, yes. Abortion, no. There is absolutely no medical reason to kill a near term or term infant. For any reason.”
CNS News reports that section 533 of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi’s appropriations bill calls for protection of migrant women including those pregnant or in labor passed in Congress on February 14.
The lack of protection for infants born alive in abortion is nationwide. The laws of each state regarding abortion vary. Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Kentucky, Louisiana, Florida, South Carolina and West Virginia have passed or intend to pass the pain-capable heartbeat bill. If a heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected. It will be a felony if an abortion is performed once a child has a heartbeat.
The new abortion law in the state of New York is being challenged, as it allows for an abortion during all nine months of pregnancy. The states of Virginia and Vermont have limited protections in place for the unborn babies.