UNITED STATES—***This work is 100 years ahead of the way psychoanalysis is being taught and trained today!!! A Revolutionary Approach by Dr. Len Bergantino, Ed.D, Ph.D “The Discipline of Being in the Practice of Psychoanalysis. Beta Elements: An Expansion of the conceptual work of Wilfred R. Bion, M.R.C.S. into Psychoanalytic Technique.
· VHS VIDEO TAPE – ONE HOUR – $45 Seminar by Len Bergantino, Ed.D., Ph.D: Working with a professional audience. MAKING AN IMPACT IN THERAPY: HOW MASTER CLINICIANS NTERVENE, Jason Aronson Publ., Northvale, N.J., 1993. 288 pages. Author: Bergantino, L.
· For Physicians who want their patients to get better psychologically and for Training Analysts and Psychiatrists who want to learn to succeed at doing these jobs in paragraph 1.
This kind of work permits psychoanalysts to develop techniques to do jobs that have either never or rarely been done:
1. Form a solid nuclear self in a patient who never had one – a job Kohut wrote couldn’t be done.
2. Work successfully with the kind of archaic liquid symbiotic transferences that Searles wrote about treating with limited success over 13 and 18 year cases;
3. Detect and work with underlying psychotic thinking disorders – such as Bion wrote about even in narcissistic, borderline and neurotic patients;
4. Detoxify psychotoxic states of being (Kernberg’s work stops here) and return patients to natural states of being where affect is connected and life force and the fight for that life force is sustained;
5. Help psychoanalysts’ quality of being (Becoming ‘O’ -Bion) become enhanced so they may be curative of primitive mental states at deep emotional levels, even in patients thought not to be in treatment for that problem. Otherwise, patients will respond to the primitive mental states of the analyst even though the analyst does not act out. The end result would be an analysis whereby the analyst’s blocked quality of being would leave patients in prematurely stuck places with self and a significant other whereby that patient’s life would remain tragic even after a long analysis.
· Beta elements that Bion wrote about from a conceptual frame of reference actually exist. The question then becomes how can one do an analysis if they do not perceive with their senses these beta elements because they would not know what needed to be contained, therefore the underlying psychotic thinking disorder aspects of patients personalities, even those thought to be neurotic, narcissistic or borderline, could not be dealt with authentically beyond the point with which a psychoanalysis could ‘detect’, ‘detoxify’ and ‘interpret’ these beta elements.
· Donald Rinsley, M.D., Fellow, American College of Psychoanalysts, in a review of Dr. Bergantino’s book, Psychotherapy, Insight and Style: The Existential Moment, Jason Aronson Publishers, 1986, made reference to Dr. Bergantino and his work in the following way: “There is no doubt that some people possess a healing capacity and that others do not. Nor is there any doubt that a Zulu witch doctor, a Puerto Rican curendero, a Navaho Medicine man, or a voodoo spiritist may remit symptoms more effectively than the best trained psychotherapist or psychoanalyst.” Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, Vol. 47, No. 5.
· Dr. Len Bergantino, Ed.D., Ph.D was in the private practice of Psychoanalysis in Beverly Hills, California 90210.
FOR (469 pp.) UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT: FROM PSYCHOANALYSIS TO INFINITY send $100 to: Dr. Len Bergantino, Ed.D., Ph.D. 1215 Brockton Avenue, Suite 104 Los Angeles, California 90025 USA FOR PSYCHOANALYTIC STUDY GROUP (MDs ONLY) CALL (424) 293-9511 (7 RINGS)
Written By Dr. Len Bergantino