HOLLYWOOD—The crisis that took America by storm in 2020 was highlighted even more in the latest episode of “Queen Sugar.” The episode, ‘June 1, 2020,’ saw several of our key players struggle with some unsurmountable odds, especially the titan the audience knows as Charley Bordelon West. Nova was busy planning a massive march for the kids to get the word out on why ‘Black Lives Matter.’ Violet was still on edge about Hollywood carrying a gun against her wishes.

Micah alerted his mother he wanted to do more; he felt a social movement was in the process and he needed to do more. He wanted to visit Minneapolis, the site where George Floyd was killed. Charley and Nova caught up on where their respective situations stand. Blue was educated a bit more by Darla and Ralph Angel about the circumstances surrounding George Floyd’s death. Darla was grappling with the right words to use to delicately disclose to Blue the gravity of the situation.

Nova was still working to bridge the gap with Calvin’s daughter, just as she learned her march with the kids because of a permit mix-up. Ralph Angel, Darla and Blue learned that the march that was being planned was not going to transpire. Blue spoke his truth, Ralph Angel made his known and it worried Darla that something bad could possibly transpire. It worried me as well people. Violet was worried about Micah’s trajectory. Darla, Blue and Ralph Angel held there 3 person march in front of their property and received support from plenty of people driving by.

However, the situation became tense when an officer came by about a complaint of obstruction of justice by an officer, who seemed to think it was ok to taunt Ralph Angel. However, it was apparent that Ralph Angel was not pleased to say the least and Blue was exposed to an ugly world, a very ugly world as the officer had his hand on his weapon.

Whew this was beyond and I mean beyond frustrating to see what I witnessed on the TV screen. Witnessing an officer purposely attempt to intimidate an African-American male for no reason beyond the fact that he was Black, and scaring his innocent child in the process was just upsetting to witness. Violet blew off a bit of steam about her concerns about Blue, but it was apparent that the friction between Hollywood and Violet was growing bigger each day.

It was evident that Hollywood was in a bad space mentally and he was lashing out at the one person who cares about him most. It forced him to reflect on happier times with Violet and the importance of fighting to repair his fractured relationship.

Charley discovered vital information from the St. Joseph charter that would prevent any construction or projects from taking place. It was apparent Charley was suffering some sort of medical crisis, it felt like a panic attack people. She thought about reaching out to Nova, than Violet, and Ralph Angel, but she got nothing. Ralph Angel broke down after having a conversation with Hollywood about his latest run-in with the police.

Hollywood’s reflection on love also forced Nova to recall happier times with Calvin, who has been by her side more than she realized. This was a powerful episode about self-reflection, life and the things we took for granted and the obstacles we are forced to overcome to get to find that level of peace in life. The final moments of the episode were gripping to say the least as Charley was struggling, literally gasping for air and made a phone call to who I suspect, and it was later confirmed, her ex, Davis West.

“Queen Sugar” is really delivering this season with gripping narrative America. Next, week family collides in the best and worst ways possible. Until then “Queen Sugar” lovers!