BEVERLY HILLS—The city of Beverly Hills will host the first Stop the Bleed training program on Saturday, June 2 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Beverly Hills Fire Department Headquarters located at 445 N. Rexford Dr. According to a press release from the city, training teaches simple, life-saving skills in an emergency that include a car accident, earthquake, shooting or terrorist attack.
Through a hands-on experience in a simulated setting, community members will understand and practice life-saving, bleeding-control techniques, including placing tourniquets, applying direct pressure and packing wounds.
During a disaster or emergency situation, first responders may not be able to assist all the injured victims right away. Taking action quickly is important, because bleeding victims can die within 5 to 10 minutes. Lives can be saved if more citizens are familiar with techniques that can stop excessive bleeding and stabilize a patient until assistance arrives.
The training is a joint presentation from the City of Beverly Hills Fire Department, Beverly Hills CPR and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Stop the Bleed is a national initiative that coaches community members to respond immediately and provide bleeding-control aid before emergency responders arrive on the scene.