Tag: Carmen Best
City Of Seattle Gave $83,250 Grant To CHAZ/CHOP “Warlord” Raz Simone
SEATTLE, WA—Solomon Samuel Simone, widely known as “Raz Simone,” has been called the “warlord” of the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP), which was self-declared...
CHAZ Occupies Several Blocks In Seattle Neighborhood
SEATTLE — A militant group has occupied several blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood since Monday, June 8 after the City of Seattle and...
Mayor Calls Rapes, Robberies, Armed Protestors In CHAZ “Block Party Atmosphere”
SEATTLE, WA—On Monday, June 8, the several-block-large Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) was self-declared in Capitol Hill, after the Seattle Police Department (SPD) abandoned...