Tag: color
Pollinators Are As Busy As Bees
UNITED STATES—Flowers bloom for pollination. It is that simple. Most rely on wind to disperse their pollen. They are more abundant than colorful or...
Floral Color Communicates To Pollinators
UNITED STATES—Bloom is bountiful for spring. It is more abundant now than it will be at any other time of year. Early bloom has...
Cool Season Color Returns Seasonally
UNITED STATES—Cool season vegetables are the first clue. Now that they are seasonal, cool season color is also seasonal. Both comply with similar schedules....
White Bloom Brightens Cool Shade
UNITED STATES—White and black are supposedly opposites. White is a combination of all wavelengths of visible light. Black is a complete absence of such...
Color Outside The Spectral Lines
UNITED STATES—Green is the most common floral color. It only seems to be rare amongst flowers because almost all green bloom relies on wind...
Color Is Not Always Black And White
UNITED STATES—Several months ago, warm season vegetable plants replaced cool season vegetable plants. More recently, new cool season vegetable plants began to grow from...
All USA Colors In Same Bucket
HELLO AMERICA!—Hollywood like everywhere else, it seems, is riveted with dealing with those of color: Blacks, Brown, Red, Yellow, you name it, they are...
Flowers Might Be Getting Scarce
UNITED STATES—It makes sense for flowers to bloom in spring. Winter is too cool, windy and damp for both flowers and the insects that...
Foliage Shows Its True Color
UNITED STATES—Flowers were originally colorful only to attract pollinators. Breeding has improved the color and quality of many garden varieties of flowers, to make...
Speak Easy: Politically Correct Ignorance
UNITED STATES—I would like to say that the political correctness of today’s world has me really thinking about whether I can give my honest...
Evolution Of: White Cats
UNITED STATES—I must confess! A couple of cat lovers expressed upset feelings with my decision to write about dogs and not cats a couple...
Annuals Should Match The Weather
UNITED STATES—Pulling out cool season annuals that are still somewhat colorful is never easy, even if they are already deteriorating. There is always the...
Some Plants Impress With Bark
UNITED STATES—Lemon eucalyptus, 'Marina' madrone, cork oak and all sorts of melaleuca trees are known more for their interesting bark than for their foliage...
Colorful Berries Linger Through Winter
UNITED STATES—Just as many flowers attract pollinators with color, some types of fruit employ color to get the attention of birds and other animals....
Annuals Change With The Seasons
UNITED STATES—Like it or not, the warm season annuals that were so flashy all through spring and summer will eventually need to be replaced...