Tag: Hate

Political Violence Is Disgusting

UNITED STATES—Where are we America? I know I am not the only person shaken with the news that rippled across this country Saturday evening...

The Buzz About The WNBA

UNITED STATES—I have not seen so many people chat about the WNBA in years and I mean years. It is almost bigger and more...

Social Media Is A Cesspool Of Hate

UNITED STATES—Why don’t you have any social media accounts? I hear that question more times than I can count. People are baffled that a...

Why Is There So Much Hate In America?

UNITED STATES—There is a lot of hate in this country right now and it scares me to the core. I feel like the hate...

The Divide Between Americans Widen

UNITED STATES—Where has this country gone? The level of hate and vitriol is unfortunately at an all-time high and it seems to ONLY be...

Toxicity In Politics In America

UNITED STATES—There is just too much toxicity in America right now. I say that because it seems the level of hatred and just despicable...

Violence And Hate Overload In America

UNITED STATES─I don’t know how to say this, but I have been disgusted with the level of violence and hate that has seemed to...

Racial Profiling Still Exists America

UNITED STATES—I have been racially profiled before in my life and as an African-American male I have come to expect it, however, in no...

“BlacKkKlansman” Is Mediocre At Best

HOLLYWOOD—Spike Lee, I was first introduced to this cinematic auteur as an undergraduate studying film. One of the first films I ever watched of...

KKK Didn’t Win After All – Michael Survived!

HELLO AMERICA!—Since there is a major film in the planning based on my book “Hollywood Through the Back Door,” one of the highlighted scenes,...

Time For A Change In Jobs

UNITED STATES—Work, it’s something many of us do day in and day out. For most Americans, we have dead end jobs that we absolutely...

Hate Erupts In Charlottesville, Virginia!

UNITED STATES—Oh America, we still have so much growth, so much growth to do. The only way you can’t fathom what transpired this weekend...

Hate In The Trump Movement (Part One)

HUNTINGTON BEACH—A march in support of Donald Trump in Huntington Beach turned violent on Saturday, March 25. White supremacist signs and flags can be...

Spread The Love, Not The Hate!

UNITED STATES—I am so HAPPY the election is over! I mean super excited. I was so tired of the mudslinging, and the hatred that...

Speak Easy: Racism And Immigration

UNITED STATES—Yesterday I told you how to fix AMERICA'S children, and today I’ll give my narrow perspective full of big dreams and ideologies for...

A Horrible Man

UNITED STATES—Five long years without a vacation. Yeah, there were trips to visit the grandparents—famiy trips—but they didn’t count as a real vacation. In Cahuenga...

Pity Is The New Empathy

UNITED STATES—THANK GOD rationalizing can be unconscious, church isn't mandatory, and repeating prayers washes away sin night after night because when one decides between...

Speak Easy: Rights Of (hu)MAN

UNITED STATES—This is part three in my satirical Thomas Paine series. His words were used to lobby others in the fight to safeguard our...


UNITED STATES—A little bit of FAITH stirred within me this week! I've been whining about how nobody really gives a crap about the state of...

Eugenics, Superiority, And Learned Hate

UNITED STATES—There IS a reason our country has laws against hate crimes. As with many other crimes, we had to create laws to protect Americans...
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