Tag: increase
I Received A 250 Percent Premium Increase On My 2025 Part...
UNITED STATES—Toni: I received my new 2025 Part D premium with the plan increase going up by 250 percent from $25.00 a month to...
Minimum Wage In Malibu Increases July 1, 2024
MALIBU—The city of Malibu announced on its website that beginning July 1, 2024 the minimum wage will rise to $17.27 per hour. This is...
BH Proposed Water And Wastewater Rate Adjustments
BEVERLY HILLS—The city of Beverly Hills announced on its website that on February 20, 2024, the Beverly Hills City Council will hold a public...
Sales Tax Increase To Support City Services Effective April 1
MALIBU—The city’s voter-approved sales tax increase from 9.5 percent to 10 percent to support city services goes into effect for all purchases in Malibu...
Minimum Wage Rises In City Of Malibu
MALIBU—The city’s minimum wage increased to $15.96 on July 1, 2022 for all employers in city limits, with the first addition of an annual...
Malibu Minimum Wage Rising To $15.96 Starting July 1
MALIBU—The city’s minimum wage increases to $15.96 on July 1, 2022 for all employers in the city limits with the first addition of an...
Medicare Supplement Rate Increase Is Outrageous!
UNITED STATES—Toni: We have received a 20 percent increase for our Plan F Medicare Supplement that is effective May 1. I am a 70-year-old...
The Minimum Wage Debate Rages
UNITED STATES—This discussion has been had before and it’s back at the forefront yet again. Should the federal minimum wage which currently sits at...
Minimum Wage Increase In Malibu
MALIBU—The mandatory minimum wage in the city of Malibu increased on Sunday, July 1, 2018 to $13.25 for all companies within city limits. The...
Homeless Count Shows Four Percent Increase
SANTA MONICA—During the recent City Council meeting, the results of the January 24, 2018 Homeless Count were released showing a 4 percent increase in...
$15 Minimum Wage For Los Angeles County
LOS ANGELES—The Los Angeles County's Board of Supervisors voted on Tuesday, July 21 to gradually increase minimum wage for unincorporated areas of Los Angeles to...
Santa Monica Proposes Water Rate Increase
SANTA MONICA—The Santa Monica City Council is scheduled to vote on Proposition 218, which proposes a water rate increase for a five-year period beginning...
California Gas Prices Increase
CALIFORNIA—The nationwide average gas prices fell below $2.20 a gallon for the first time about a month ago. According to the Oil Price Information,...