Tag: judy carley
Citizens For A Surveilled America
UNITED STATES—Can you imagine how different the movie 1984 would have been if George Orwell wrote his “uncompromising vision of the future” during our...
Speak Easy: Being Retarded!
UNITED STATES—Remember, just as you have the right to complain about people being labeled, I have the right to self-identify as retarded.
It's a PROBLEM...
Evolution Of: Bridges
United States – CREATING BRIDGES is a commonality we have shared with CENTURIES of other humans. If not for purposes of travel or trade,...
Uncle Sam Is Breeding Human Rats?
UNITED STATES—I’m pretty sure we live in a world where me comparing people on welfare to rats will cause more anger than the fact...
Evolution Of: Lyme Disease
UNITED STATES— It seems that “Lyme” is a relatively new term, named in 1982 after Dr. Burgdorfer discovered the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi in...
Speak Easy: Killing Myself?
UNITED STATES—Anyone who personally knows me is probably pooping Twinkies right about now, thinking this is about suicide. In fact, I am using the...
Parent Bashing?
UNITED STATES—People "parent bashing" as well as complaining about those that PARENT BASH are all over the internet lately. The HARAMBE incident is still...
Evolution Of: Pro-America Activists!
UNITED STATES—Since Thomas Paine is considered the founder of the United States, I propose he was the first PRO-AMERICA Activist! That is, he was...
Speak Easy: You’re Better Than Me?
UNITED STATES—Shame happens when we're accused of thinking we are better than someone else. That’s because religion-based cultures teach NOT to judge, but let’s...
Ghetto Goals!
UNITED STATES—The nature vs nurture dynamic creates differences in people, the kind that makes us all individuals. Different people with unique personalities. Different ETHICS......
Evolution Of: Virtual Zoos!
UNITED STATES—Just as a child will push to see what they can get away with: sometimes I throw random thoughts out to see if...
May 2016 U.S Familial Offenders
UNITED STATES—Here are May’s 10 shameful family members, each and every one responsible for the death, disability, or at the minimum: mistreatment or neglect...
“Game Of Thrones” Recap: ‘The Broken Man’
HOLLYWOOD—If last week’s episode of "Game of Thrones" was slow, this week was COMATOSE! No Khaleesi, no Tyrion Lannister. No Red Women, no Bran...
Speak Easy: The Rage Of Molestation
UNITED STATES—Climb aboard the crazy train, it's going to be one of those days!
"No thanks"
Two words were enough to kick-start my daily morning rage...
What Hand Were You Dealt?
UNITED STATES—Alienated, disappointed, embarrassed, furious, humiliated, ignored, inadequate, jealous, judgemental, lonely, overwhelmed, powerless, resentful, scared, skeptical, suspicious, victimized, vulnerable, worried... What common feeling affects...
Evolution Of: Joel Osteen, God’s Psychologist?
UNITED STATES—Who would’ve thought a rap song by HOPSIN would have me rethinking my pre-established theological beliefs: that church was really just the establishment of government...
It’s All Relative: Tabula Rasa
UNITED STATES—“Tabula rasa” is one of my favorite “common sense” concepts and I throw the term around a lot, especially in regards to how...
Evolution Of: Bras, Breasts, And What’s Best
UNITED STATES—May is National Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month and such a serious subject warrants me telling you to click here for important and relevant...
Speak Easy: Bias-laden Propagandist Fools!
UNITED STATES—Does anyone know what we call the opposite of reverse psychology? No? Me neither!
I only ask after observing this crazy backwards version that...
The Case of the Grandma Mommy
UNITED STATES—The photo above shows grandmothers doing what used to be considered familial duty: HELPING.
There are many society-crippling issues occurring simultaneously in our country,...