Tag: Medicare Advantage

Changing To A Medicare Advantage Plan Is Stressful

UNITED STATES—Hello Toni: My question is, if I change to a Medicare Advantage plan in the fall and find out it's not working for...

Does Enrolling In A Medicare Supplement Cancel A Medicare Advantage Plan?

UNITED STATES—Toni: Last year during Medicare’s Annual Enrollment, both my husband and I qualified for a Medicare Supplement Plan G over the phone from...

Medicare Advantage Enrollment Mistake Postponed My Hip Surgery!

UNITED STATES—Toni: I made a terrible mistake during the current Medicare Advantage Enrollment Period and changed to a Medicare Advantage HMO plan because I...

Turning 65 With Cancer…Is Medicare Advantage Right For Me?

UNITED STATES—Hi Toni, I am turning 65 this February and have no idea what I should do because I have lung cancer. Currently I...

Does Medicare Supplement Cancel Medicare Advantage?

UNITED STATES—Toni: I’m shocked to discover that the Medicare Supplement my husband and I purchased last year did not disenroll us from the Medicare...
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