Tag: obesity
“The Whale” Is Captivating Drama That Haunts
HOLLYWOOD—If you want a movie with a story and a performance that pierces thru your heart and hurts to the core, look no further...
Late Night Dinners Pose Health Risks
UNITED STATES—A small study by John’s Hopkins University School of Medicine, published on Thursday, June 11, noted that people who eat a late-night dinner...
Evolution Of: Bras, Breasts, And What’s Best
UNITED STATES—May is National Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month and such a serious subject warrants me telling you to click here for important and relevant...
Warning: You’re Addicted To TV If…
UNITED STATES—There is a reason so many people in America are obese. Any guesses as to what it might be? If you’re thinking the...