Tag: old age
Bedside (18)
UNITED STATES—"What are you doing?" Davy asks Karen.
"Prolonging the inevitable, that's what.
"I can take over if you want."
"She's getting to the point where we...
Bedside (16)
UNITED STATES—Crying, moaning bitching, babbling... they all want to go to that elusive place called home.
"Mom, you get brownie points for the steps you...
Bedside (10)
UNITED STATES—Davy goes on: "Oh, sister, it's a relief to share this with you and get it off my face, my chest, you know...
Are You Prepared For Retirement?
UNITED STATES—This weekend I was forced to have a tough conversation with myself. I’m in my 30s and it came to a realization that...
Artist’s Return Part 3
UNITED STATES—Off Archer drove after being frisked and subjected to an elaborate sobriety test. The young sheriff told him that they had trouble here...