Tag: psychology
Why Do Some People Like Spending YOUR Money?
UNITED STATES—Do you have that family member that tends to hover around you whenever you spend money? If not, I’m going to share a...
What Are Nightmares A Signal Of?
UNITED STATES—As of late, I have been encountering some nightmares that have been a bit triggering for me and not in the best way...
The Psychology Of Buying
UNITED STATES—I’ve talked about the issue of temptation in the past, especially in the world of materialistic things. As Americans, we are inclined to...
The Quality Of Being: Psychoanalysis – State Of The Art
UNITED STATES—***This work is 100 years ahead of the way psychoanalysis is being taught and trained today!!! A Revolutionary Approach by Dr. Len Bergantino,...
Evolution Of: Joel Osteen, God’s Psychologist?
UNITED STATES—Who would’ve thought a rap song by HOPSIN would have me rethinking my pre-established theological beliefs: that church was really just the establishment of government...
Mental Health Awareness Month!
UNITED STATES—May is Mental Health Awareness Month and instead of the usual DOOM and GLOOM statistics let's go back to the basics because it...
Analyzing Fear
UNITED STATES—When it comes to fear, how precisely can you describe what it is? Is it a sense of dread, is it an environment,...
Discovering That Inner Strength
UNITED STATES—Why is it sometimes we need the approval from others to realize our potential? We live in a world where self-doubt tends to...