Tag: society
Gender Norm Dynamics In Society
UNITED STATES—Oh, we live in a world where so many people think there are gender norms you just must follow. I really hate that...
Why Are People Afraid To Talk About Race?
UNITED STATES—Race, it is a loaded word one that so many people clam up and turn around in fear to discuss and it baffles...
“The Elephant Man” Is Fantastic Cinema
HOLLYWOOD—I had heard of this movie, but I hadn’t actually seen it until this past week. I am referring to the 1980 Best Picture...
Keeping Up With Technology Trends
UNITED STATES—Tuesday, September 10 was a big day for Apple as they announced details regarding new products including the latest cellphone amongst other things....
Malibu To Address Threatening Matters
MALIBU—The Malibu City Council will address topics including terrorism and natural disasters during a Town Hall on Thursday, September 28, at 7:00 p.m.
“We are...
Citizens For A Surveilled America
UNITED STATES—Can you imagine how different the movie 1984 would have been if George Orwell wrote his “uncompromising vision of the future” during our...
The Opinionated Truth
UNITED STATES—Speaking the truth can sometimes be a good thing, but at other times it opens the floor for debates that are never ending....
Colorblind Reality
UNITED STATES—The recent scandal involving NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal’s race has a ton of people in uproar. Here is a woman that from most...
Marijuana Is Not All Good
UNITED STATES—For years there has been an ongoing debate on rather marijuana is a dangerous drug. While it’s still illegal under federal law, many...