Tag: Stanley Kramer
Mad Mad Cinerama World: European Perspective (7)
UNITED STATES—Tania Rose (1924-2015) was co-screenwriter, creator of “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” along with her husband William Rose (1918-1987), an American...
Mad Cinerama World (6)
UNITED STATES—Let’s focus on some of the grand and sui generis talents that populate “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.” The working title,...
Mad Mad Cinerama World: Not Your Usual G-Rated Movie (5)
UNITED STATES—When “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” was re-released in 1970, it got slapped with a G-rating. Heck, I was seven years...
Mad Mad Cinerama World (3)
UNITED STATES—This extravaganza from MGM-United Artists was going to keep us kids, respectively eight and six years old, up way late past the edge...
In Defense Of A Very Mad World (Contains Spoilers)
UNITED STATES—Now the very fate of the iconic Cinerama Dome on Sunset Blvd. is in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Los Angeles assumes the worst and the...
Cinerama Dome Cliffhanger
UNITED STATES—A dismal jolt shook L.A.'s cinephilic community last week when the Pacific Theater Corporation announced that it had choked during the locked-down as...