Tag: stress
Letting Stress Go
UNITED STATES—Why is it as Americans some of us are so stressed to the core about things that we should re-evaluate? It is a...
Banana Yellow (2)
UNITED STATES—Can you reconstruct the events of the morning of February 3, 1975?
I didn’t sleep very well. Usually sleep flushed out all the disagreeable...
Worrying Ourselves To Death
UNITED STATES—Why is it sometimes we worry so much that it places our health at risk? We have all heard the phrase, “You’re going...
Banana Yellow (1)
UNITED STATES—RE: February 3, 1975
Are there photos? Does anyone have photos of the ghastly sequence of events surrounding the last hours of Max E....
Best Approaches To Sleep
UNITED STATES—Sleep, we would all like to get more of it, but are we actually doing the things we need to do to adequately...
What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery?
UNITED STATES—It is a question that I know I’m NOT the only person that thinks about this. What would you do if you hit...
How Untimely Enrollment In Medicare Part B Can Overwhelm!
UNITED STATES—Hello, Toni: My husband retired several years ago when he turned 65. He enrolled in Medicare Part A, but declined Part B because...
Being A Host Is Stressful
UNITED STATES—The holidays can be stressful. Look, I just have to be blunt here because there is so much chaos that comes with the...
The Thanksgiving Stress Begins
UNITED STATES—I honestly cannot believe it. Just two weeks ago we were celebrating Halloween, and in less than 2 weeks we will be celebrating...
Service Industry Is No Cakewalk
UNITED STATES—I was recently out at a restaurant this weekend and I realized that it was going to be a wait. The pandemic has...
Why Personal Finance Needs to Be Taught in Schools
UNITED STATES—Like it or not, our lives revolve around money. We need money to get food, basic supplies, pay bills, and build a meaningful...
Call It A Sick Day
UNITED STATES—It happens to the best of us, we all get sick and when we do we have to make that decision rather to...
The College Hustle
UNITED STATES—Right now, a host of students are getting ready to head back to college or to step onto a college campus for the...
A Cellphone Is Not A Must People!
UNITED STATES—I recently had a conversation with a few family members at a small gathering and we talked about the past. How things used...
Sleep And Stress Go Hand-And-Hand
UNITED STATES—I have not been sleeping well lately, particularly in the past week and I have been trying to pinpoint exactly what has been...
COVID-19 Pandemic Still Not Over
UNITED STATES—We all thought it was over, but it seems the pandemic and COVID-19 is far from over America. It seemed the tide started...
Putting Others Over Your Own Sanity
UNITED STATES—It has taken me some time, but I have come to the conclusion that I care too much about other people and as...
The Laughing Keys (3)
UNITED STATES—There was a manly surrender in heading back on that freeway from the Westside. The phantom set of keys that would let Irma...
Anxiety Over The Cellphone
UNITED STATES—Someone talked about something on my local morning news that struck me like a million bricks. The cellphone can create large amounts of...
Do Not Compartmentalize Your Emotions
UNITED STATES—I am someone who doesn’t always wear his emotions on his sleeve. I tend to compartmentalize my emotions which I know; I know...