Tag: The National Wildlife Federation
Construction Begins On Worlds Largest Wildlife Crossing
GRIFFITH PARK—The groundbreaking ceremony for the world’s largest wildlife crossing is scheduled for April 22. There will be a celebration to follow California’s new...
P-22 Spotted In Backyard Of Los Feliz Home
LOS FELIZ—The mountain lion, P-22, was caught on video trying to cool down from the weekend heat at a Los Feliz home on Saturday,...
Meet Mountain Lion P-99
SANTA MONICA—The National Park Service released another mountain lion that was captured on September 8. The mountain lion was found in the western portion...
Griffith Park Celebrates ‘P-22 Day’
GRIFFITH PARK—The National Wildlife Federation is encouraging animal and wildlife lovers to join them in a day-long celebration for Los Angeles’ most famous feline...
Plans For Wildlife Crossing Over US-101 Takes Form
SANTA MONICA—The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority released a report on September 3, outlining the construction of a “regionally significant habitat linkage” across US-101...