Tag: Tyler Perry

“HAHN” Recap: ‘Father’s Day’

HOLLYWOOD—You know you’re watching good TV when you don’t even know the season finale is sneaking up on you until, its announced during the...

“HAHN” Recap: ‘A Sixth Sense’

HOLLYWOOD—The big confrontation fans had been waiting for on Tyler Perry’s “The Haves and the Have Nots” after Benny learned that Derrick was the...

“HAHN” Recap: ‘No More Time’

HOLLYWOOD—After having a week off from my Tuesday night guilty pleasure, Tyler Perry’s “The Haves and the Have Nots” returned this week with a...

“HAHN” Recap: ‘Counting The Costs’

HOLLYWOOD—Things ended on a cliffhanger with Vinny firing a shot at Wyatt on Tyler Perry’s “The Haves and the Have Nots.” This week’s episode,...

“HAHN” Recap: ‘The Executor’

HOLLYWOOD—Oh, Wyatt he is just spiraling further and further into oblivion on Tyler Perry’s “The Haves and the Have Nots.” Last week he stumbled...

“HAHN” Recap: ‘Someone Special’

HOLLYWOOD—Well the tension continues to build on Tyler Perry’s “The Haves and the Have Nots.” This week’s episode, ‘Someone Special’ saw Hanna giving Derrick...

“The Haves And The Have Nots” Returns!

HOLLYWOOD—Thank you Tyler Perry, I have not had anything entertaining to watch on TV Tuesday nights for quite some time. Who would have guessed...

“If Loving You Is Wrong” Ends In Epic Fashion!

HOLLYWOOD─I cannot believe that it is over, after several seasons airing on OWN, Tyler Perry’s hit soap opera “If Loving You is Wrong” has...

“If Loving You Is Wrong” Recap: ‘I Need A Hero’

HOLLYWOOD─It was the penultimate episode of Tyler Perry’s hit series, “If Loving You is Wrong.” I thought last week’s episode, certainly placed the puzzle...

“If Loving You Is Wrong” Recap: ‘Taken’

HOLLYWOOD─Two episodes are left before the end of Tyler Perry’s “If Loving You is Wrong.” I honestly cannot believe it because at first I...

“If Loving You Is Wrong” Recap: ‘Red Paint’

HOLLYWOOD─At last, Kelly Isaacs was finally released on Tyler Perry’s “If Loving You is Wrong.” It seemed like we have been waiting years for...

Bling Ring Burglars Targeted Sussexes’ New Home

BEVERLY HILLS—The Sun reported on Friday, May 8, that the notorious ‘Bling Ring’ burglars once targeted the mansion which Prince Harry and Meghan Markle...

“If Loving You Is Wrong” Recap: ‘Going Along For The Ride’

HOLLYWOOD─I am still baffled in my brain, how in the world, Kelly did not remove those pictures from her Bible before allowing dirty copy...

“If Loving You Is Wrong” Recap: ‘Contraband’

HOLLYWOOD─Last week’s episode of Tyler Perry’s “If Loving You is Wrong” certainly stirred the drama pot, while things only heated with the latest episode,...

“If Loving You Is Wrong” Recap: ‘Under The Influence’

HOLLYWOOD─Last week, the light was finally shined on what Alex has been up to on Tyler Perry’s “If Loving You is Wrong.” This week’s...

“If Loving You Is Wrong” Recap: ‘Jennifer Peppa’

HOLLYWOOD─I was slightly pleased with the fifth season premiere of the Tyler Perry hit series “If Loving You is Wrong.” It looks like all...

“HAHN” Recap: ‘The Heavy Lifting’

HOLLYWOOD─The war between those with money continues on Tyler Perry’s “The Haves and the Have Nots.” This week’s episode, ‘The Heavy Lifting’ witnessed David...

“HAHN” Recap: ‘A Change Of Heart’

HOLLYWOOD─Did Jim Cryer actually take out Benny Young with that call he made at the end of last week’s “The Haves and the Have...

“HAHN” Recap: ‘Jimmy Crack Corn’

HOLLYWOOD─Is he or isn’t he? That is the question fans have wanted to know since that cliffhanger of a finale on Tyler Perry’s “The...

“HAHN” Recap: ‘Evil Offspring’

HOLLYWOOD─This was a fun episode, as ‘Evil Offspring’ on Tyler Perry’s “The Haves and the Have Nots” kicked off with Candace focused on her...
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