Tag: worry
Documenting Sleep Troubles
UNITED STATES—It is no secret that I have trouble sleeping at night despite me doing everything in my power to try to make things...
Trying To Get Sleep Is Hard
UNITED STATES—I have been dealing with a major issue in the past few weeks that is beyond having a damper on my ability to...
Being Mentally Exhausted Is Tough
UNITED STATES—I seriously cannot tell you the last time I have been exhausted to the point where I physically and mentally could not sleep...
Winter Blues
UNITED STATES—Winter is here people, and the blues are starting to set in. So many people call this time of year somewhat depressing, and...
The Cellphone Controls Us
UNITED STATES—Well, it is a conversation that I have wanted to have for quite some time and it fascinates me to a degree, but...
Your Health Is Important America
UNITED STATES—What a week America, because I was dealt with some news regarding my health that shocked me to the core. I would argue...
Why Do Some Of Us Worry So Much?
UNITED STATES—Why do so many of us worry so much? I swear I wish I had an on and off switch when it came...
Can The Brain Have An Off-Switch?
UNITED STATES—Have you ever wonder why the brain doesn’t have an off-switch. I think we all know why, because if it stopped working so...
Worrying Ourselves To Death
UNITED STATES—Why is it sometimes we worry so much that it places our health at risk? We have all heard the phrase, “You’re going...
Best Approaches To Sleep
UNITED STATES—Sleep, we would all like to get more of it, but are we actually doing the things we need to do to adequately...
Cellphone Stress
UNITED STATES—What is it about the cellphone that brings so much joy, but so much stress for Americans at the same time? For so...
The Worry You Cannot Escape
UNITED STATES─Have you ever asked yourself why some people worry more than others? Some say it’s genetic, some argue it’s just the personality of...
Turning The Cellphone Off!
UNITED STATES—I did something this past week that gave me absolute glee, so much to the point that I’m starting to realize that this...
Time Moves No Matter What
UNITED STATES—There are 24 hours in a day, but for the life of me I am constantly complaining that there is not enough time...
Sleep Deprivation Woes
UNITED STATES—Sleep, it is the one thing that is so important to everyone’s daily lives. Too many of us, we are running into situations...