Tag: yellow

Banana Yellow (100)

UNITED STATES—And in 1955, Sam Delaney was still Allied Fruit, and Allied Fruit was Sam Delaney. Now Sam’s go-to man for propaganda mojo, the...

Banana Yellow (94)

UNITED STATES—The frontier was an obstacle to this pioneering wave, that spread across growing country. Manifest Destiny—what a nonsense word to defy grammar and...

Banana Yellow (72)

UNITED STATES—Darien is Panama’s easternmost region of dense jungle, swamps and lagoons full of jaguars, crocodiles and venomous snakes and lethal spiders. Only for...

Banana Yellow (59)

UNITED STATES—The ersatz empire of Allied Fruit Co. fought back with quarantine, lockdown and testing. Each plantation was surrounded by a fence. This was...

Banana Yellow (58)

UNITED STATES—It was not the “constitution” per se that got Allied Fruit Co. back up again and going. It was the energy behind the...

Banana Yellow (55)

UNITED STATES—After Delaney’s second tenure, the company gradually but steadily slid in till the year Richard Nixon ran for president, the new Nixon (thank...

Banana Yellow (43)

UNITED STATES—“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” said the wholesome apple-cheeked man in whose meteoric ascent to power Sam the Man Delaney had been murmured...

Banana Yellow (38)

UNITED STATES—The dense smell of plantation suffocated the nostrils with its creamy aroma. Somebody had set up a projector with a bicycle generator in...

Banana Yellow (35)

UNITED STATES—Then, as now, the potholes of New Orleans served as a hamper on speeding cars and it made the city a good and...
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