HOLLYWOOD—After months of speculation, the truth has been unveiled! Gabriel Bingham is actually Adam Newman! Yep, Gabriel was caught red-handed by his lover Chelsea in his desire to gloat about his victory over his father Victor Newman.
When confronted by the truth, Gabriel/Adam did his best to divert the admission, but Chelsea was not having any of it. If there was one person who knew Adam better than Adam himself, it was Chelsea. After months of denial, he confessed the truth to him. Most fans expected a slap to the face, but instead Chelsea was completely overcome with grief and shock.
Now that she knows the truth, what will Chelsea do with this game-changing information? This is not something she can just sweep under the rug. I mean her best friend lost her child because of the man that she loves, to make matters worse, she recently ended a relationship with Billy Abbott, Delia’s father. Can you imagine Billy’s reaction when he learns not only was Adam responsible for the destruction of his relationship with Chelsea, but he also killed his daughter and has been masquerading around? Explosive things are certainly coming to the residents of Genoa City.
Chelsea already decided to confront Sage about her duplicity, which could cause her relationship with Nick to explode if he learns she hid the truth that his long lost brother has been parading around GC as another person.
Speaking of the Newman clan, Nick has decided to return to Newman Enterprises in the wake of his father’s scandal involving the shooting of Jack Abbott. Why can’t these people put two-and-two together to unveil that there are two Jack Abbotts running around. Phyllis is on the cusp of getting her hubby to reveal the truth, just as a watchful eye remains on the real Jack in the hospital.
One of the bigger stories resonating with fans is the rape of Avery Clark. It was something completely out of the blue in my opinion. Not only was the attack brutal, but fingers were quickly pointed at Avery’s ex, Joe Clark. Joe was adamant that he had nothing to do with Avery’s attack, but things seem slightly too easy for the writers to just throw a random rape into a storyline to eliminate a character from the canvas.
Joe has plenty of problems beyond Avery, as his tryst with Lily Winters has left Cane in an uproar. Cane’s kiss with Lauren only ignited a small fire in Lily that exploded to gargantuan effects. Now that his wife has cheated on him, is it safe to say that Cane will turn to Lauren in his time of need?
I would say it’s a safe bet because the sparks between Michael and Lauren have all but fizzled.’ Perhaps the writers should consider bringing Lauren’s nemesis, Sheila back into the foray? How exciting would that be; the fans would actually die for that to happen. Sheila seems to have nine lives and to make matters worse; it’s not quite known precisely why she has so much hatred for Lauren, but some people just hate to hate.
Another interesting tidbit in Genoa City is the relationship between Victoria Newman and her father Victor. Not in a million years would one suspect for Victoria to edge closer to the dark side, but the more time she spends with her father the more she is becoming him. I mean she was willing to lie for her dad in an attempted murder case.
Her actions have left her mother Nikki in utter disarray. I mean the factoid that Victor, Nick and Victoria are unable to wrap their minds around the issue that their loved one is in a crisis with her alcoholism is baffling to say the least. Let’s just say it’s only a matter of time before Gabriel/Adam’s big secret is revealed to all. Imagine the chaos then. “The Young and the Restless” airs weekdays on CBS at 12:30 p.m.